If you don't mind me asking, what is it about the film that you found to be so terrible? The artistic aesthetics alone are enough for me to wax poetic about film. The musical score by Hildur Guonadottir is hauntingly beautiful. Sher's cinematography is drab, cold, and perfectly captures the decay of Gotham, aka New York City, in the 80's. And then there's the breathtakingly terrifying performance from Phoenix. This guy perfectly captures the mental deterioration of the character Arthur Fleck. Todd Phillips focusing in on a system that fails Arthur, like it fails so many, is another reason to appreciate the film. I mean, the social commentary on how we treat the mentally ill in our country is on point in the film. Plus, the homages to Scorsese's films like Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy just intensifies my love for the film. I get it, we all have different tastes. I just find it hard to understand how someone could hate it. There's just so much going on in this film.