I am indeed
one expert. I trust
@dukesince91 is one, too. I don't think we're saying fundamentally different things; I think we have different perspectives. You, on the other hand, don't know jack, and are operating here in bad faith, distorting what I said and ignoring other things I said.
No flippancy on my part whatsoever. My point is that for all the ways kids have changed, they are developmentally the same. 15 is 15. Covid is the only thing I've experienced that changes that. Technology such as the Internet and cell phones are factors
around that, but it does not change the fact that 15 is 15. But I started teaching at 23 and I'm now 52. I have changed a lot more than the kids have. Every career educator has. And adults have been claiming that kids are different since at least the time of Socrates, who died more than 2400 years ago. It's perspective.
You're just looking for a stupid argument where it's completely unnecessary. That's why you're a bad faith actor in this. You don't belong in a dialogue between two experts.