Tony Bennett is Retiring

Has anybody ever just sat and thought deeply what it takes to be a coach in college? Mannn You got to coach your team watch film prepare practice manage politics people parents players , all while recruiting next year and the year after class forming relationships with those players families flying all over the place watching those players selling your program , then caring to YOUR family. Now dealing with agents. All while winning! I guess at a point it just becomes a habit and normal…but I don’t think I could do it.

Tony Bennett is Retiring

Selfish in my opinion. The kids came to play for Tony. He’s able to leave but they’re stuck.

Haters always complained about K’s Farewell Tour but atleast he was honest with his players a year in advance and not deceive them. What Bennett did was a dick move and now the school will be a year behind in re-building.
Without knowing with certainty, my hunch tells me that his players were aware of this well ahead of time.
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Tony Bennett is Retiring

Tbh I’d argue it’s great timing, right before the season. Staff stays the same. Kids won’t want to leave now and sit out the year after the whole offseason working.
Selfish in my opinion. The kids came to play for Tony. He’s able to leave but they’re stuck.

Haters always complained about K’s Farewell Tour but atleast he was honest with his players a year in advance and not deceive them. What Bennett did was a dick move and now the school will be a year behind in re-building.
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The New Lounge

Hillary’s poll numbers were far better in 2016. As long as turnout is good, Trump should be fine. Now some polls show him winning 49% of the Hispanic vote. If that is even close, game over.
I don't trust them. The power players learned a valuable lesson in 16. They didn't cheat well enough. What they did in 20 in those 4-5 cities was beyond criminal. Run everyone out at 9 so the emergency ballots could be delivered.
