I think they survive but it's possible they don't.Ticket you know UNC is gonna get out of this mess don't you. Well I do too but UNC nation shouldn't be so proud because from that time on college athletics as we know it will never be the same. It will open up a gate so wide that all the cattle in Texas will walk through it. It's dirty no matter how one looks at it and all those involved know it wasn't right and it doesn't happen everywhere either. I like and respect you ticket but if this happened at Duke in no way would I be posting what you have here over at THR. 1st I would have gotten in only one post even if I tried. Wrong is wrong . OFC
Where is disagree:
- it's actually forced UNC to drastically overhaul our AD and we are better for it.
- college athletics has always been dirty. Look at Harvard 100 years ago. The moment you let in any athlete with lower grades/scores bc they can run, shoot, or throw, you sellout.