The New Lounge

What you have probably never accounted for is that victimhood is contagious. As a black person, you are shunned if you don’t go along with the victim narrative. It’s almost a rite of passage as a young black person. If you don’t go along with the narrative, you’re seen as “not black enough”. So people are almost incentivized to prove how much of a victim they are to be accepted. Once you’ve been compromised and believe the lie, it becomes your new normal. And it works that way with many demographics.

I started probing black people who grew up in the Jim Crow south about the “racism” they experienced. I even asked my mom. I quickly saw that most had nothing for me. Once you start piecing the puzzle together, you realize that the media has exaggerated the whole thing.

Not to mention, I had to reflect on what I used to consider “racism”. Once I did, I realized I was being a victim and nothing about how I was treated was “racism” at all. I had simply been programmed to think that any slight by a white person was racism. That’s literally how most Black Americans are raised.
The rite of passage part, I def don't agree with..stories I've heard from my parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles and etc...about Jim Crow south is terrible...any slight by a white person def isn't racism, but racism is racism when it's racism imo
All good. But what you done specifically to combat racism?
Mentioning that you hang out in places where there are Black people doesn’t really fit the bill of being “involved in that work”, implying something more specific
First, do you acknowledge that racism exists? Because dahntay doesn't, and I don't really care to waste any more time with that.

Second, what are you looking for? Specific lesson plans? Specific outreach and volunteering? Names of workshops/conventions, etc? And what are your expectations? I'm not single-handedly saving the world.
He could be well intentioned but has the White Savior Complex.
I can agree to that. Many are well intentioned, as long as you go along with the narrative. The anger I’ve seen from them when you don’t own the oppression though is insane.

They’ve been lied to and are making decisions off of those lies.
The rite of passage part, I def don't agree with..stories I've heard from my parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles and etc...about Jim Crow south is terrible...any slight by a white person def isn't racism, but racism is racism when it's racism imo
I definitely believe that some people were treated terribly in the Jim Crow South. I would never disagree with that. However, I think it’s been greatly exaggerated for one. And two, it was led by rouge politicians. Most black and white people got along just fine. And that’s where the problem comes in. Instead of saying it was rouge politicians making unconstitutional laws, they frame it as “All white people were racist and were out to lynch black people”. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

They have white people walking around feeling guilty for something they had nothing to do with. The amount of white people I’ve heard say that all white people are racist is sickening.
He could be well intentioned but has the White Savior Complex.
I don't center myself in the work.
I'm not saving anyone. I've already talked about how systems of oppression also hold back the oppressors themselves; therefore you're liberating yourself when you help dismantle them; you're not saving others.
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I've got to tip my hat to @Dattier, He'll reply to a post, but barely touch the meat of the post. Instead he will manipulate the entire message by picking a phrase, sentence... and responding like exactly how he did here to you. It's actually a very clever tactic. One that he has done to all of us here.

When you can't win on issue, slander their character. I'm serious when I say he is well trained.
Exactly. Kind of reminds me of his accusations that he’ll type up a five paragraph essay on social inequalities in 4 H or some such and we only respond to the sentence involving cis males when he knows how easily we transphobes are triggered.
You just don't get it. As long as white liberals push the nonsense of white privilege, there will be minorities who will grow up thinking that they started further back than their white counterparts and therefore would believe that they are owed something.
If race is removed as a major factor in voting, then non white voters will realize they want the same things white voters want:
Low crime
Secure border
Good schools that don’t circumvent parental authority
Affordable health care and meds ( I’ll concede that the Dems typically pay more attention to this)
Low taxes
Fiscal responsibility.
So in order to keep us divided, they can’t allow us to live in a post racial world. It may have sounded cute when Obama was President, but the Dems quickly realized this would be a disaster for their party.
Indeed, Trump siphoned off enough minority males in Nov to win.
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Ask @Mac9192 if it's okay for me to believe different things without being called stupid, a sheep, evil, brainwashed, etc. You've been guilty of that yourself.
@GhostOf301 isn't going to take you to task on it because conservatives support each other here no matter what. They like to call me a sheep while demonstrating complete conformity themselves.
Not true. Dahntay and Ghost disagreed just today about whether racism exists. They did so in a civil manner so neither made a spectacle of themselves so you may not have noticed.
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First, do you acknowledge that racism exists? Because dahntay doesn't, and I don't really care to waste any more time with that.

Second, what are you looking for? Specific lesson plans? Specific outreach and volunteering? Names of workshops/conventions, etc? And what are your expectations? I'm not single-handedly saving the world.
1) Racism exists.
2) Not sure exactly. But all of what you listed is not race- specific.
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If race is removed as a major factor in voting, then non white voters will realize they want the same things white voters want:
Low crime
Secure border
Good schools that don’t circumvent parental authority
Affordable health care and meds ( I’ll concede that the Dems typically pay more attention to this)
Low taxes
Fiscal responsibility.
So in order to keep us divided, they can’t allow us to live in a post racial world. It may have sounded cute when Obama was President, but the Dems quickly realized this would be a disaster for their party
********Indeed, Trump siphoned off enough minority males in Nov to win.*******
Totally agree. They got too arrogant over the years, and it finally caught up with them. Social media helped people see this too. Thank God.
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We agree. What's a realistic goal that can be reached without acknowledging white privilege or expressing white guilt?
Why wouldn’t we acknowledge white privilege? Why should white people have any guilt over circumstances they didn’t create?
Exactly. Kind of reminds me of his accusations that he’ll type up a five paragraph essay on social inequalities in 4 H or some such and we only respond to the sentence involving cis males when he knows how easily we transphobes are triggered.
Key difference is that I point that out precisely, so that you can recall it precisely some weeks later. Y’all just claim it happened without any kind of explanation. In @Mac9192 ’s case, it’s usually that he doesn’t understand how what I point out details his entire point. He feels entitled to a pass on all of his faulty logic and unreliable sources.
If race is removed as a major factor in voting, then non white voters will realize they want the same things white voters want:
Low crime
Secure border
Good schools that don’t circumvent parental authority
Affordable health care and meds ( I’ll concede that the Dems typically pay more attention to this)
Low taxes
Fiscal responsibility.
So in order to keep us divided, they can’t allow us to live in a post racial world. It may have sounded cute when Obama was President, but the Dems quickly realized this would be a disaster for their party.
Indeed, Trump siphoned off enough minority males in Nov to win.
Most Black Americans had conservative values up until the Civil Rights Movement. That was the start of the decline of the black community. Since that time, those conservative values have slowly eroded. However, this last election gave me hope that things are starting to change. Did you see how Black America reacted to Obama trying to bully us into voting for Kamala. He no longer has the same stranglehold on the community which is a huge shift.
Haha. Poor @Dattier. Even if I've only been right twice here, that's still two more times than him. He's still won't admit Biden was bad. You've got to really be a short school bus rider to not see that. Yet he wants to talk about my faulty logic.

Gentlemen, you can't make this up.
1) Racism exists.
2) Not sure exactly. But all of what you listed is not race- specific.
A lot of the time it’s not strictly about race, but issues that disproportionately harm BIPOC. Access to resources, working with trusted leaders from maligned communities, supporting before-school and after-school programs, insisting that LEO build relationships and connection in communities they police, Restorative Justice alternatives to punitive measures.
I can agree to that. Many are well intentioned, as long as you go along with the narrative. The anger I’ve seen from them when you don’t own the oppression though is insane.

They’ve been lied to and are making decisions off of those lies.
Intense anger that you normally only see when you go after soneone’s family or religion, and it is very culty. I’ve talked to Dems who say they go along with the trans stuff for fear of being shunned.
Similarly, some Rep don’t speak out against Trump because they don’t want the heat that always follows. Just not worth it
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Haha. Poor @Dattier. Even if I've only been right twice here, that's still two more times than him. He's still won't admit Biden was bad. You've got to really be a short school bus rider to not see that. Yet he wants to talk about my faulty logic.

Gentlemen, you can't make this up.
I’ll never admit — for example — that President Biden was as bad as you think he was because he wasn’t. As usual, you lack all balance, perspective, and thoughtfulness, opting instead for absolutism and extremism. You even do it here with a claim that I’ve never been right about anything. Not once. O-fer.

You claim President Biden is by far the worst President ever. Why? Because you say so. I say he isn’t. Why? Because I can name multiple worse Presidents. We’ve been down this road before and when I absolutely school you, you shift the goalposts, as if James Buchanan doesn’t count as part of “all-time” because you meant something else when you said “all-time.”

Geez, this is boring.
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You know who was a community police officer who had a good relationship within the minority community? Darren Wilson. Until he had the audacity to save his own life against an attacker who tried to take his gun. Then he was an evil racist white cop.
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You know who was a community police officer who had a good relationship within the minority community? Darren Wilson. Until he had the audacity to save his own life against an attacker who tried to take his gun. Then he was an evil racist white cop.
Yeah. Kind of. I was going off of your LEO building better relationships in the communities they police. They can do that, and they do. But all it takes if for one bad event, whether it be the police's fault or not, and it's like their work in the community never happen. Especially when you have a media and political party that is more interesting it virtue signaling than waiting for the facts.
Yeah. Kind of. I was going off of your LEO building better relationships in the communities they police. They can do that, and they do. But all it takes if for one bad event, whether it be the police's fault or not, and it's like their work in the community never happen. Especially when you have a media and political party that is more interesting it virtue signaling than waiting for the facts.
Sounds like you’re a little too close to it to discuss it without politicizing it.
Let's get it back somewhere closer to topic. What's everyone think of President Trump so far?
Some stuff I like. But in all honesty, he is doing stuff that can have negative and long-term effects or be positive long-term effects. I am not willing to grade him before the first year is up. But no, I don't regret voting for him.
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Remove everything that @Dattier and I have argued about, and only talk about the mental decline debate. He says Trump is showing mental decline. Yet he didn't admit Biden was bad until the latter part of 24.

Case closed.
Why wouldn’t we acknowledge white privilege? Why should white people have any guilt over circumstances they didn’t create?
First question, because it's not real. It's an ideology. Second question. You think white privilege is real. Are you supposed to spike the football at midfield right on the minority football team's logo because your whiteness awarded you that touchdown? How can you acknowledge that you have it better than someone by no fault of their own without feeling some level of guilt?
A lot of the time it’s not strictly about race, but issues that disproportionately harm BIPOC. Access to resources, working with trusted leaders from maligned communities, supporting before-school and after-school programs, insisting that LEO build relationships and connection in communities they police, Restorative Justice alternatives to punitive measures.
True. It’s hard to separate race from poverty though. Eg Do Black mothers have more difficult pregnancies ( still births, underweight etc) due to systemic racism or because they’re more likely poor than other racial groups excluding possibly Hispanics not sure the numbers there) ?
I know that some afterschool programs have had to at least temporarily close due to USAID cuts. Opposed to that.
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Some stuff I like. But in all honesty, he is doing stuff that can have negative and long-term effects or be positive long-term effects. I am not willing to grade him before the first year is up. But no, I don't regret voting for him.
The tariffs have made a lot of investors jumpy this week. Only time will tell if they bring more jobs back home, but seeing the stock market bounce around like a yo-yo bad for the heart rate and the wallet.
He’s done sone cringy things like the Gulf of America fiasco. Bad optics with Zalenskyy, but it may be what the little guy needed and for Europe to step up finally.
No regrets yet though for voting for him.
As a supporter of Israel, voting for Kamala was never and never will be an option.
The tariffs have made a lot of investors jumpy this week. Only time will tell if they bring more jobs back home, but seeing the stock market bounce around like a yo-yo bad for the heart rate and the wallet.
He’s done sone cringy things like the Gulf of America fiasco. Bad optics with Zalenskyy, but it may be what the little guy needed and for Europe to step up finally.
No regrets yet though for voting for him.
As a supporter of Israel, voting for Kamala was never and never will be an option.
If the tariffs are more than just a play for leverage and more of a policy, the short term losses are going to look concerning and will undoubtedly hurt some people's bank accounts. But there have already been investments over $2 trillion for businesses to open in America, so there are signs that they will be successful. It will be a while before we know what the actual effects will be.

The gulf of America is petty. Not sure what it brings. But the vast majority of its coast

I really don't care about the optics with Zelensky. The rest of the world can kiss his ass. I'm glad our president isn't.

As a supporter of America, I was never going to vote for Kamala.
Remove everything that @Dattier and I have argued about, and only talk about the mental decline debate. He says Trump is showing mental decline. Yet he didn't admit Biden was bad until the latter part of 24.

Case closed.
Our President is showing mental decline.

Oh! And here I go saying nothing about President Biden so you can make up something instead again.
True. It’s hard to separate race from poverty though. Eg Do Black mothers have more difficult pregnancies ( still births, underweight etc) due to systemic racism or because they’re more likely poor than other racial groups excluding possibly Hispanics not sure the numbers there) ?
I know that some afterschool programs have had to at least temporarily close due to USAID cuts. Opposed to that.
Latinos still have a largely insular culture and actually have better neo-natal mortality rates than Blacks or whites. I’ve heard it attributed to healthier lifestyles with fewer processed foods.

It may be hard to sus out what’s racial and what’s poverty, but there are disproportionate correlations. I would guess the poverty is more responsible for bad infant mortality rates among Black people, but that poverty traces back to racism, as well.

Yeah, USAID does a lot of really valuable things.
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Not without qualifications .
Yes, I disagree.
What qualifications?

What exactly do you disagree with? Can you name a single instance where a community came to an officer's defense after a high profile event involving a LEO and a person of said community?
First question, because it's not real. It's an ideology. Second question. You think white privilege is real. Are you supposed to spike the football at midfield right on the minority football team's logo because your whiteness awarded you that touchdown? How can you acknowledge that you have it better than someone by no fault of their own without feeling some level of guilt?
The research and the logic is clear and sound. It’s funny to me how y’all accuse academics of being intellectually arrogant. Academics actually realize they can’t possibly be experts on everything so they focus on processes for accessing and vetting expertise. Then we trust actual experts, and not blindly. The right seems to believe they can figure everything out on their own based on what “seems” right to them. They think they are the experts. That seems a lot more arrogant to me. It’s how @Mac9192 can actually complain out loud that I trust media more than the people on this board. 🤣🤣🤣

I’m not discussing this with you when you stipulate that it has to be within the context of your beliefs, which I believe are absolute crap.
The research and the logic is clear and sound. It’s funny to me how y’all accuse academics of being intellectually arrogant. Academics actually realize they can’t possibly be experts on everything so they focus on processes for accessing and vetting expertise. Then we trust actual experts, and not blindly. The right seems to believe they can figure everything out on their own based on what “seems” right to them. They think they are the experts. That seems a lot more arrogant to me. It’s how @Mac9192 can actually complain out loud that I trust media more than the people on this board. 🤣🤣🤣

I’m not discussing this with you when you stipulate that it has to be within the context of your beliefs, which I believe are absolute crap.
I rarely agree with you on social issues. But mostly have respect for how you articulate your message. But this wasn't your best rebuttal.

That's not an insult, btw. Unlike you, I do struggle with articulating my message a lot of times.