The New Lounge

Yep. And here we are on a message board arguing with a liberal. @Dattier isn't the enemy. A sheep, but not the enemy.
You have literally said I am the enemy. You refer to all liberals as 100% evil. When called on your extremist, absolutist language, you double down.
To dive deeper on this. Are you saying that we lucked into where we are or grabbed the bull by the horns and made it happen?
Uhhh... how, exactly, would grabbing the bull by the horns make any difference whatsoever in being targeted unfairly by police harassment or being mistreated by others? Those are the examples YOU used.
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This board is a great example of how messed up our world is. We have @Dattier, a liberal white man, arguing racism with @Dahntay#1, a black, non liberal man.
How am I arguing about racism with him? He says he hasn't been affected by it whatsoever and I've taken him at his word.
He's also saying it doesn't even exist. Do you agree with that? @GhostOf301 doesn't.
Uhhh... how, exactly, would would grabbing the bull by the horns make any difference whatsoever in being targeted unfairly by police harassment or being mistreated by others? Those are the examples YOU used.
You conduct yourself like a responsible adult, but also realize that everyone is mistreated by others sometimes. It’s how life works. And jumping to conclusions that you’re being mistreated solely because of your race isn’t very wise.
You conduct yourself like a responsible adult, but also realize that everyone is mistreated by others sometimes. It’s how life works. And jumping to conclusions that you’re being mistreated solely because of your race isn’t very wise.
If everyone is mistreated by others sometimes, why would you need to ask @BOOGIEMAN1914 whether it is luck or your bootstraps crap?
How am I arguing about racism with him? He says he hasn't been affected by it whatsoever and I've taken him at his word.
He's also saying it doesn't even exist. Do you agree with that? @GhostOf301 doesn't.
See that’s the thing about non-liberal men. We can disagree with each other and not blink an eye. @GhostOf301 thinks it exists. I think it doesn’t. And that’s okay. For some reason, liberals think that you must agree on either all or nothing.
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See that’s the thing about non-liberal men. We can disagree with each other and not blink an eye. @GhostOf301 thinks it exists. I think it doesn’t. And that’s okay. For some reason, liberals think that you must agree on either all or nothing.
Ask @Mac9192 if it's okay for me to believe different things without being called stupid, a sheep, evil, brainwashed, etc. You've been guilty of that yourself.
@GhostOf301 isn't going to take you to task on it because conservatives support each other here no matter what. They like to call me a sheep while demonstrating complete conformity themselves.
I’m trying to get an understanding of his perspective on how to succeed as a black person. Not the mistreatment part.
You've already bragged about how racism doesn't affect you (because it doesn't exist) and how you make great money. Why would you need any help w/ that? You clearly already know everything.
Ask @Mac9192 if it's okay for me to believe different things without being called stupid, a sheep, evil, brainwashed, etc. You've been guilty of that yourself.
@GhostOf301 isn't going to take you to task on it because conservatives support each other here no matter what. They like to call me a sheep while demonstrating complete conformity themselves.
You’re telling on yourself. If we cared to have a conversation about it, I’m sure we could have a respectful conversation. Liberals typically can’t do that. And that’s the problem. You’re typically only going to be called on your bs by a non-liberal man when they feel you’re being intellectually dishonest.

If you aren’t familiar with Destiny or David Pakman, this is how they “debate”. It’s never in good faith and easy to trigger us sometimes because we see what you’re doing.
See that’s the thing about non-liberal men. We can disagree with each other and not blink an eye. @GhostOf301 thinks it exists. I think it doesn’t. And that’s okay. For some reason, liberals think that you must agree on either all or nothing.
You've also claimed that treating people unfairly based on stereotypes is acceptable and the people treated unfairly should just take it.
You've already bragged about how racism doesn't affect you (because it doesn't exist) and how you make great money. Why would you need any help w/ that? You clearly already know everything.
Perspective. It’s always good when I can find other like-minded black people who understand how most of the community is being manipulated.
Ask @Mac9192 if it's okay for me to believe different things without being called stupid, a sheep, evil, brainwashed, etc. You've been guilty of that yourself.
@GhostOf301 isn't going to take you to task on it because conservatives support each other here no matter what. They like to call me a sheep while demonstrating complete conformity themselves.
What am I supposed to take him to task on?

You are typically the only liberal in these discussions and you are outnumbered. But I don't believe that you get piled up on. I think you are able to have independent conversations without each one of us stepping in for the other. To say that conservatives here support each other is kind of strange. You mean we have common views? Shocker.
You have literally said I am the enemy. You refer to all liberals as 100% evil. When called on your extremist, absolutist language, you double down.
Surely you can't be this dense, or can you? Your views are lockstep with the enemy. You're reaching, which isn't a surprise, and I'm doubling down? Even for you this is a big stretch, so don't pull a hammy. You're simply a pawn for the left, a means for them to keep the pot stirred. In other words, you are a good lil minion for them.

I think you're probably not a bad guy in real life. You've just been brainwashed. Which is sad.
You've also claimed that treating people unfairly based on stereotypes is acceptable and the people treated unfairly should just take it.
I said literally everyone on Earth stereotypes. I never said anyone should just take anything. Why lie?
You’re telling on yourself. If we cared to have a conversation about it, I’m sure we could have a respectful conversation. Liberals typically can’t do that. And that’s the problem. You’re typically only going to be called on your bs by a non-liberal man when they feel you’re being intellectually dishonest.

If you aren’t familiar with Destiny or David Pakman, this is how they “debate”. It’s never in good faith and easy to trigger us sometimes because we see what you’re doing.
I'm familiar with Destiny's debate style and don't care for it. I know who David Pakman is, but don't know his debate style. I respect Destiny's knowledge, just like I respect Ben Shapiro's and Jordan Peterson's knowledge. I'm not beholden to any of them.

Yes, I'm sure you and @Mac9192 will be very agreeable, submitting to each other in turn on issues you fight tooth and nail with me about. That's why I called him out. He's incapable of disagreeing with me without resorting to every one of those labels, and you've demonstrated the same inability, resorting to smug, condescending arrogance. But congratulations on being able to discuss things in a civilized manner with people you already agree with on almost everything and will submit to on the rest for the good of the team.
Surely you can't be this dense, or can you? Your views are lockstep with the enemy. You're reaching, which isn't a surprise, and I'm doubling down? Even for you this is a big stretch, so don't pull a hammy. You're simply a pawn for the left, a means for them to keep the pot stirred. In other words, you are a good lil minion for them.

I think you're probably not a bad guy in real life. You've just been brainwashed. Which is sad.
You have literally said I am a bad guy, an evil person, that all liberals are all evil. You do know what "literally" means, right?
I said literally everyone on Earth stereotypes. I never said anyone should just take anything. Why lie?
You said it wouldn't bother you because it's reality. You have defended distrust of people based on stereotypes. You are saying that because everyone does it, it's acceptable. You are ignoring harm that stereotyping does. All so you can pretend there is no such thing as privilege, which is where this started.
I said literally everyone on Earth stereotypes. I never said anyone should just take anything. Why lie?
I've got to tip my hat to @Dattier, He'll reply to a post, but barely touch the meat of the post. Instead he will manipulate the entire message by picking a phrase, sentence... and responding like exactly how he did here to you. It's actually a very clever tactic. One that he has done to all of us here.

When you can't win on issue, slander their character. I'm serious when I say he is well trained.
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What am I supposed to take him to task on?

You are typically the only liberal in these discussions and you are outnumbered. But I don't believe that you get piled up on. I think you are able to have independent conversations without each one of us stepping in for the other. To say that conservatives here support each other is kind of strange. You mean we have common views? Shocker.
Not common views. The exact same views. You're in lockstep with each other. It's hard to tell you apart much of the time.
You just don't get it. As long as white liberals push the nonsense of white privilege, there will be minorities who will grow up thinking that they started further back than their white counterparts and therefore would believe that they are owed something.
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I've got to tip my hat to @Dattier, He'll reply to a post, but barely touch the meat of the post. Instead he will manipulate the entire message by picking a phrase, sentence... and responding like exactly how he did here to you. It's actually a very clever tactic. One that he has done to all of us here.

When you can't win on issue, slander their character. I'm serious when I say he is well trained.
Beat you to replying to that 3-sentence post in its entirety (ie, the meat).

The bold: you slandering my character
Not common views. The exact same views. You're in lockstep with each other. It's hard to tell you apart much of the time.
You don't have a whole lot to go by. I am sure that there are plenty of things that each one of us would have different views on. Maybe not as far apart as our views are from each other. But again, shocker.
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You said it wouldn't bother you because it's reality. You have defended distrust of people based on stereotypes. You are saying that because everyone does it, it's acceptable. You are ignoring harm that stereotyping does. All so you can pretend there is no such thing as privilege, which is where this started.
Let me ask. Unfortunately some women, and men to a lesser extent, were taken advantage of as kids. We all know the word so there is no need to use it. Are you telling me that if you encounter a mother who doesn’t want her young kids around men because of her history, you’re going to take offense to that as a man?
You just don't get it. As long as white liberals push the nonsense of white privilege, there will be minorities who will grow up thinking that they started further back than their white counterparts and therefore would believe that they are owed something.
Happened to me. What @Dattier doesn’t understand is that I’ve been that “victim” who was directly and indirectly told by white liberals “No matter what you do in life, you’re a victim. White people are always going to be ahead of you because of privilege. And if you just listen to me, I’ll show you the way.”

I’ve seen firsthand how that garbage handicaps black kids and continues into their adulthood. Again, I was playing the victim game until I saw through it.
You just don't get it. As long as white liberals push the nonsense of white privilege, there will be minorities who will grow up thinking that they started further back than their white counterparts and therefore would believe that they are owed something.
It exists. I also stated that it has been a major mistake of the Democratic Party to center it. What people are owed, or what their children are owed, rather, is a better world than the one their parents had. Work ethic will always be part of that. As long as people have that and still fall further and further behind, addressing the injustices of systemic obstacles -- including prejudices and privileges -- will also be part of it, and I would argue, the larger part of it.

I don't think the idea that we deserve better than the society we have and the willingness to work for it is at all compatible with so-called "victim mentality."
Let me ask. Unfortunately some women, and men to a lesser extent, were taken advantage of as kids. We all know the word so there is no need to use it. Are you telling me that if you encounter a mother who doesn’t want her young kids around men because of her history, you’re going to take offense to that as a man?

That doesn't oppress me in any way. If police decided that because so many men have victimized children that they should stop me and question me for having my own kids with me, that's a problem.

This is like your example of the friend who doesn't want to date Italian men, which I have already addressed. Personal preferences may qualify as prejudices, but they do not in and of themselves violate anyone's rights. That makes the fact that all people employ stereotypes irrelevant and a deflection from the systemic problem of stereotypes, prejudices, and privilege.

That doesn't oppress me in any way. If police decided that because so many men have victimized children that they should stop me and question me for having my own kids with me, that's a problem.

This is like your example of the friend who doesn't want to date Italian men, which I have already addressed. Personal preferences may qualify as prejudices, but they do not in and of themselves violate anyone's rights. That makes the fact that all people employ stereotypes irrelevant and a deflection from the systemic problem of stereotypes, prejudices, and privilege.
1) False equivalency. The equivalent would be for people to be leery of people in certain demographics that show a propensity to misbehave. I hardly ever hear of black people that know how to behave themselves having issues.
2) The example you have generally doesn’t happen. Black people don’t get pulled over simply because they are black. And if it happens, it’s within the range of error that every occupation should be afforded.
Happened to me. What @Dattier doesn’t understand is that I’ve been that “victim” who was directly and indirectly told by white liberals “No matter what you do in life, you’re a victim. White people are always going to be ahead of you because of privilege. And if you just listen to me, I’ll show you the way.”

I’ve seen firsthand how that garbage handicaps black kids and continues into their adulthood. Again, I was playing the victim game until I saw through it.
I'll take you at your word that someone communicated exactly that message, and I won't support it. Sorry you only had such a stupid person try to explain it to you in those exact words.

At the end of my very first year of teaching, a teacher who lived in a fancy neighborhood because her husband made lots of money hosted an end-of-the-year party for faculty and staff. She had another guy and me walk to a neighbor's to borrow an extra table from their screened-in back porch, as she had arranged earlier. As he and I were walking back down the driveway carrying this table, a car drove by really slowly and looked at us really hard. This other guy told me he was really glad I was with him because he was Black and I'm white. He was wary of how a lone Black man walking out of someone's back porch in an almost all-white neighborhood could make him a target for confrontation, but my presence served as a bit of a buffer. He wasn't a victim and he didn't have a so-called "victim mentality" just because he was aware of a very real possibility.

Just a few months ago, I was asked to administer a standardized test to a single female student in an isolated room with no visibility. I objected on the basis that I didn't want to be an adult male alone with an underaged girl in a place where there was no opportunity for witnesses. They switched room assignments and things proceeded. I wasn't "playing the victim" just because it was the rare situation where my gender wasn't a privilege.

There is a way of acknowledging privilege and the lack thereof without its being a crutch.
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I'll take you at your word that someone communicated exactly that message, and I won't support it. Sorry you only had such a stupid person try to explain it to you in those exact words.

At the end of my very first year of teaching, a teacher who lived in a fancy neighborhood because her husband made lots of money hosted an end-of-the-year party for faculty and staff. She had another guy and me walk to a neighbor's to borrow an extra table from their screened-in back porch, as she had arranged earlier. As he and I were walking back down the driveway carrying this table, a car drove by really slowly and looked at us really hard. This other guy told me he was really glad I was with him because he was Black and I'm white. He was wary of how a lone Black man walking out of someone's back porch in an almost all-white neighborhood could make him a target for confrontation, but my presence served as a bit of a buffer. He wasn't a victim and he didn't have a so-called "victim mentality" just because he was aware of a very real possibility.

Just a few months ago, I was asked to administer a standardized test to a single female student in an isolated room with no visibility. I objected on the basis that I didn't want to be an adult male alone with an underaged girl in a place where there was no opportunity for witnesses. They switched room assignments and things proceeded. I wasn't "playing the victim" just because it was the rare situation where my gender wasn't a privilege.

There is a way of acknowledging privilege and the lack thereof without its being a crutch.
What you have probably never accounted for is that victimhood is contagious. As a black person, you are shunned if you don’t go along with the victim narrative. It’s almost a rite of passage as a young black person. If you don’t go along with the narrative, you’re seen as “not black enough”. So people are almost incentivized to prove how much of a victim they are to be accepted. Once you’ve been compromised and believe the lie, it becomes your new normal. And it works that way with many demographics.

I started probing black people who grew up in the Jim Crow south about the “racism” they experienced. I even asked my mom. I quickly saw that most had nothing for me. Once you start piecing the puzzle together, you realize that the media has exaggerated the whole thing.

Not to mention, I had to reflect on what I used to consider “racism”. Once I did, I realized I was being a victim and nothing about how I was treated was “racism” at all. I had simply been programmed to think that any slight by a white person was racism. That’s literally how most Black Americans are raised.
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1) False equivalency. The equivalent would be for people to be leery of people in certain demographics that show a propensity to misbehave. I hardly ever hear of black people that know how to behave themselves having issues.
2) The example you have generally doesn’t happen. Black people don’t get pulled over simply because they are black. And if it happens, it’s within the range of error that every occupation should be afforded.
The only one of us using false equivalencies is you by trying to treat all stereotyping as the same.

We are addressing systemic prejudices and you're still trying to use individual prejudices as examples.

You're also trying to justify the use of stereotypes... at the same time that you're arguing racism doesn't even exist.

I've told you several times now that individual preferences can be an excusable form of prejudice. If that same prejudice/stereotype was used in conducting official, institutional business -- like policing, like courts, like schools, like hospitals -- than it would be then become problematic.

"The example you have generally doesn’t happen."
I'm going to trust the overwhelming number of people who have shared personal stories with me, as well as the findings from multiple social experiments and studies, that the examples I have cited do happen. (Not sure what "generally" has to do with it, or why you'd only now throw that in there unless you're trying to walk back your previous absolutist crap.) I'll also trust you that it has never ever ever happened to you. I do not trust that you have any clue about the big picture; you have done nothing but undermine any sense that you can see beyond your own limited experience and views.
What you have probably never accounted for is that victimhood is contagious. As a black person, you are shunned if you don’t go along with the victim narrative. It’s almost a rite of passage as a young black person. If you don’t go along with the narrative, you’re seen as “not black enough”. So people are almost incentivized to prove how much of a victim they are to be accepted. Once you’ve been compromised and believe the lie, it becomes your new normal. And it works that way with many demographics.

I started probing black people who grew up in the Jim Crow south about the “racism” they experienced. I even asked my mom. I quickly saw that most had nothing for me. Once you start piecing the puzzle together, you realize that the media has exaggerated the whole thing.

Not to mention, I had to reflect on what I used to consider “racism”. Once I did, I realized I was being a victim and nothing about how I was treated was “racism” at all. I had simply been programmed to think that any slight by a white person was racism. That’s literally how most Black Americans are raised.
It hasn't come up here yet, but I am quite familiar with how individuals can be shunned for not going along with the pack in a variety of situations, including within subsets of the greater Black community. Even the way you bring that up -- "What you have probably never accounted for..." -- is smarmy and arrogant aML.

Yes or no: Was there institutional racism in the Jim Crow South?

Good on you for reflecting on your own life and how you, personally, had a victim mentality. You do not speak for any Black people I know. They don't have to deny the very existence of racism in order to resist your so-called "victim mentality."
The only one of us using false equivalencies is you by trying to treat all stereotyping as the same.

We are addressing systemic prejudices and you're still trying to use individual prejudices as examples.

You're also trying to justify the use of stereotypes... at the same time that you're arguing racism doesn't even exist.

I've told you several times now that individual preferences can be an excusable form of prejudice. If that same prejudice/stereotype was used in conducting official, institutional business -- like policing, like courts, like schools, like hospitals -- than it would be then become problematic.

"The example you have generally doesn’t happen."
I'm going to trust the overwhelming number of people who have shared personal stories with me, as well as the findings from multiple social experiments and studies, that the examples I have cited do happen. (Not sure what "generally" has to do with it, or why you'd only now throw that in there unless you're trying to walk back your previous absolutist crap.) I'll also trust you that it has never ever ever happened to you. I do not trust that you have any clue about the big picture; you have done nothing but undermine any sense that you can see beyond your own limited experience and views.
Do you have some sort of expectation that some careers should exist without human error? If so, name a few where you’ve seen this demonstrated.

What you mentioned here is the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives. You literally believe any experience that a person tells you they had because “Why would they lie?”. The fact that you haven’t had enough life experience to understand why this is flawed is troubling.
It hasn't come up here yet, but I am quite familiar with how individuals can be shunned for not going along with the pack in a variety of situations, including within subsets of the greater Black community. Even the way you bring that up -- "What you have probably never accounted for..." -- is smarmy and arrogant aML.

Yes or no: Was there institutional racism in the Jim Crow South?

Good on you for reflecting on your own life and how you, personally, had a victim mentality. You do not speak for any Black people I know. They don't have to deny the very existence of racism in order to resist your so-called "victim mentality."
Yes or no: Was there institutional racism in the Jim Crow South? There were policies in place that negatively affected some black people in the South during the Jim Crow era.

Yes or no: Was there a pandemic in 2020? Yes. Did it affect people people the way it was presented in the media? Not even close. And the same applies to the Jim Crow South.

And of course I don’t speak for any black person you know. You would never surround yourself with a black person that isn’t a victim. Liberals surround themselves with black victims because they see them as less than and it makes them feel like they are making a difference. You have no time for black people like me who don’t play along with the Oppression Olympics.
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Do you have some sort of expectation that some careers should exist without human error? If so, name a few where you’ve seen this demonstrated.

What you mentioned here is the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives.
Here you go again...

You literally believe any experience that a person tells you they had because “Why would they lie?”.

The fact that you haven’t had enough life experience to understand why this is flawed is troubling.
Says the 30-something year old kid again. :rolleyes:
I wonder if lynchings committed and assisted by LEO qualify as policy in place that negatively affected some Black people in the South during the Jim Crow Era.
I wonder if they happened at all. You know the media with their camera angles.
Yes or no: Was there institutional racism in the Jim Crow South? There were policies in place that negatively affected some black people in the South during the Jim Crow era.

Yes or no: Was there a pandemic in 2020? Yes. Did it affect people people the way it was presented in the media? Not even close. And the same applies to the Jim Crow South.

And of course I don’t speak for any black person you know. You would never surround yourself with a black person that isn’t a victim. Liberals surround themselves with black victims because they see them as less than and it makes them feel like they are making a difference. You have no time for black people like me who don’t play along with the Oppression Olympics.
He could be well intentioned but has the White Savior Complex.
All good. But what you done specifically to combat racism?
Mentioning that you hang out in places where there are Black people doesn’t really fit the bill of being “involved in that work”, implying something more specific
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