The New Lounge

Here's why you might lie about it: By claiming you used to be a liberal, you get to claim insider knowledge of what that is like, then make broad generalizations about all liberals. You would also get to present yourself as a thoughtful person who has considered both sides and chosen the superior one.

Using drug addiction for this example, sometimes former addicts make the best counselors because they have been there and can empathize. Sometimes they become condescending pricks who think they're superior for having gotten out, and who look down on others for not having overcome it. The same could be said of people who have abandoned a faith or abandoned atheism, ex-gays (lol), or a variety of people who have changed something in their life. It's pretty obvious you've chosen the latter path, the path of condescension. Ironically, for all that arrogance, it's also evidence of self-loathing. I'm pretty confident that 10 years from now, you'll hate the you you are today.

My last year of undergrad, I TA'd for a professor. After I expressed annoyance about a particular student, the professor laughed and said, "They're just like you were 3 years ago." I realized upon reflection that she was right, and that what I didn't like about the student was how I was reminded of a younger, embarrassing version of myself. I was 22 then, and it marks a significant step in the development of my empathy. So I call you out for your condescension, self-loathing, and lack of empathy at least in part as someone who has been there.

But I take you at your word, unlike how you treat others. It's a pretty crazy stretch that you would go from being liberal to rejecting the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Even among conservatives, there's pretty wide acceptance and admiration for the Civil Rights Movement.
Yeah it doesn’t mean that much to me to make up a complete lie. As I stated in a previous post, most people who abandon liberalism never develop any BS detectors. So before I learned how to detect BS and do actual research, I was just like you. Not to your extent, but not too far away.

Of course there is pretty wide acceptance of the Civil Rights Movement because of how everyone has been indoctrinated with lies. I used to believe the same things until I started researching what actually happened and realized they have lied or exaggerated most everything.

If you were to take a deeper dive to actually research the movement, you would see that many black people were not for the movement then and realize the harm it’s done to the community now.
Yeah it doesn’t mean that much to me to make up a complete lie. As I stated in a previous post, most people who abandon liberalism never develop any BS detectors. So before I learned how to detect BS and do actual research, I was just like you. Not to your extent, but not too far away.

Of course there is pretty wide acceptance of the Civil Rights Movement because of how everyone has been indoctrinated with lies. I used to believe the same things until I started researching what actually happened and realized they have lied or exaggerated most everything.

If you were to take a deeper dive to actually research the movement, you would see that many black people were not for the movement then and realize the harm it’s done to the community now.
30-ish year old little boy trying to talk to me like a wise old man with “I was just like you.”
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How about slavery? Were people better off enslaved? lol

I listen to people saying they experience racism. As someone who has never experienced any, that's how you learn. Well, no, that's how I learn. You don't.

I'm taking you at your word. How much has that allowed you to manipulate me? How has pretending to know what I think and what I know protected you from manipulation? How mentally weak do you have to be to believe that?
Now when you say slaves, which are you referring to? Black slaves? White slaves?

It’s disappointing, yet not surprising, that a man in his 50s doesn’t have enough life experience to understand why people will tell random lies. This is not specific to any demographic. People will literally lie for no reason but you haven’t figured that part out yet.
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I haven't been trained to do a freakin thing any more than you have been. I'm standing on what I truly believe.
Y'all start it with me as much as I start it with you. Way, way more, in fact.
The common denominator is the only regular liberal? Gee, who'd've thunk? :rolleyes:

I feel sorry for you because you're pitiful and pitiable, mac. Doesn't matter what you want or don't want. I feel sorry for you.
Say what you want, but you have been trained. After what we watched for the last 4 years, you still trust the media more than you do us. You wouldn’t even acknowledge we were right.

You’re like the guy speeding on the interstate. You slow down when you see the trooper, then go back to speeding as soon as he’s out of sight.
That’s the way you are with the media. You go back to trusting them.
I always like seeing white liberal men tell black people how oppressed they've been after they explain how they haven't been oppressed.
Hey, I take him at his word. He had never experienced racism before in his entire life until a fellow conservative who makes fun of liberals for getting upset over words pointed out the word “boy.”
I always like seeing white liberal men tell black people how oppressed they've been after they explain how they haven't been oppressed.
Their is nothing a white liberal hates more than a black person who doesn’t think like them. You want to see a true “racist”, tell a white liberal that a black man doesn’t buy into their victim narrative and aren’t oppressed.
Say what you want, but you have been trained. After what we watched for the last 4 years, you still trust the media more than you do us. You wouldn’t even acknowledge we were right.

You’re like the guy speeding on the interstate. You slow down when you see the trooper, then go back to speeding as soon as he’s out of sight.
That’s the way you are with the media. You go back to trusting them.
I should trust you?
mac, mac, mac, you sad little boy. Oh, wait... you're not Black, are you?
You said the quiet part out loud. You think you're an authority. You did your own research and now you think I should trust you.
What topic are we even discussing here that I'm supposedly trusting the media about?
Their is nothing a white liberal hates more than a black person who doesn’t think like them. You want to see a true “racist”, tell a white liberal that a black man doesn’t buy into their victim narrative and aren’t oppressed.
Wait. I thought you'd never experienced racism ever ever ever before @GhostOf301 played the race card on your behalf and got butthurt over how un-PC I was.

I took you at your word!
Their is nothing a white liberal hates more than a black person who doesn’t think like them. You want to see a true “racist”, tell a white liberal that a black man doesn’t buy into their victim narrative and aren’t oppressed.
You think too much of yourself. There are lots of things I hate more than you. I haven't questioned your experience in the slightest, either. I've taken you at your word. You're a joke for thinking your experience applies universally, as I've stated clearly.
I always like seeing white liberal men tell black people how oppressed they've been after they explain how they haven't been oppressed.
Sorry I can't provide that for you.
Weird how the only Black people whose experience you trust are those who agree with you.
You think too much of yourself. There are lots of things I hate more than you. I haven't questioned your experience in the slightest, either. I've taken you at your word. You're a joke for thinking your experience applies universally, as I've stated clearly.
Now when you say slaves, which are you referring to? Black slaves? White slaves?

It’s disappointing, yet not surprising, that a man in his 50s doesn’t have enough life experience to understand why people will tell random lies. This is not specific to any demographic. People will literally lie for no reason but you haven’t figured that part out yet.
"Both sides!" lol
We were talking about the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, so you know very well what enslaved people I was talking about. Congratulations on knowing that throughout history slavery has taken on many forms and involved the enslavement of a wide variety of groups. You must be so proud of discovering this.

You mean to tell me not everyone is honest?!? Bu-bu-but the Easter Bunny is real, right? RIGHT?!?1?!?
Correct. It doesn’t exist or is a faulty concept at best. So, it stands that I haven’t experienced it.
So when you started politely asking about systemic racism and privilege, you were already operating in bad faith, because there's no such thing as racism at all.
"Both sides!" lol
We were talking about the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, so you know very well what enslaved people I was talking about. Congratulations on knowing that throughout history slavery has taken on many forms and involved the enslavement of a wide variety of groups. You must be so proud of discovering this.

You mean to tell me not everyone is honest?!? Bu-bu-but the Easter Bunny is real, right? RIGHT?!?1?!?
So if slavery has affected every race, why would you bring it up specifically regarding black people?
So when you started politely asking about systemic racism and privilege, you were already operating in bad faith, because there's no such thing as racism at all.
I was referring to what you and society refer to as supposed racism. When an atheist refers to god when conversing with a believer, it’s not because they think the god actually exists.
I was referring to what you and society refer to as supposed racism. When an atheist refers to god when conversing with a believer, it’s not because they think the god actually exists.
The politeness was a facade. You were asking in bad faith from the beginning.
The politeness was a facade. You were asking in bad faith from the beginning.
It’s no facade. I have nothing against you. I’ve remained respectful to you.

What do you expect me to do? Get on the board and purposely disrespect you because we fundamentally disagree on everything outside of Duke basketball? That would be childish.
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Sorry I can't provide that for you.
Weird how the only Black people whose experience you trust are those who agree with you.
It's all about perception and how situations are handled. I never doubt someone's experience. I doubt how much of an impact it really has on their lives in today's society compared to how it is perceived. If you tell someone that they are a victim enough times, they're going to eventually believe it.
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It's all about perception and how situations are handled. I never doubt someone's experience. I doubt how much of an impact it really has on their lives in today's society compared to how it is perceived. If you tell someone that they are a victim enough times, they're going to eventually believe it.
Bingo. There are perks to being a perceived victim. Imagine how much damage would be done if the narrative around a whole entire race is that every single person of said race is a victim. Hypothetically speaking of course.
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Gotcha right there. I am a law abiding black man and have no issues when I go out. Never had an issue with the cops. Never been pulled over for no reason. Never have any issues with the big bad white man they tell me about. Make great money and never been held back by “white supremacy” or so-called “systemic racism. You’ve been duped by the media my friend.
and w/ that "we" are lucky my brother...many can't say that
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It's all about perception and how situations are handled. I never doubt someone's experience. I doubt how much of an impact it really has on their lives in today's society compared to how it is perceived. If you tell someone that they are a victim enough times, they're going to eventually believe it.
I don't see anyone telling me about their experiences with racism acting like victims. I see them working to right those circumstances. But then, I actually listen, and then I'm actually there, involved with that work.
This board is a great example of how messed up our world is. We have @Dattier, a liberal white man, arguing racism with @Dahntay#1, a black, non liberal man. The almost comical, but very sad truth is, this is what THEY (Datt loves it when I say THEY) want us to be doing. They want us divided, arguing, fighting, protesting.

This is 100% true, because the left NEVER talks about the decay of the family. NEVER. So much could be helped if this was somehow preached more. Find a way to build up the importance of a dad in the home. The decay of the family is now in more than black homes. Instead, find someone to blame. In 2025, it's easier (and sells more) to blame the white man.
I don't see anyone telling me about their experiences with racism acting like victims. I see them working to right those circumstances. But then, I actually listen, and then I'm actually there, involved with that work.
“I’m actually there, involved with that work”.
Could you give us an example?
This board is a great example of how messed up our world is. We have @Dattier, a liberal white man, arguing racism with @Dahntay#1, a black, non liberal man. The almost comical, but very sad truth is, this is what THEY (Datt loves it when I say THEY) want us to be doing. They want us divided, arguing, fighting, protesting.

This is 100% true, because the left NEVER talks about the decay of the family. NEVER. So much could be helped if this was somehow preached more. Find a way to build up the importance of a dad in the home. The decay of the family is now in more than black homes. Instead, find someone to blame. In 2025, it's easier (and sells more) to blame the white man.

It's bad for business (our leaders/media) if we agree. This past election is proof of that. More blacks voted for Trump than ever before. That chaps THEIR a**e*.
Correct. Once you see that the goal is always divide and conquer, it always makes sense. If they keep us divided, the powers that be can get away with murder. That’s why they work so hard to make everything binary. Black vs White. Democrats vs Republicans. Vaccinated vs “Anti-vaxxers”. It’s all done on purpose. You’re just another pawn in the system until you see they are simply trying to divide us on a daily basis.
Correct. Once you see that the goal is always divide and conquer, it always makes sense. If they keep us divided, the powers that be can get away with murder. That’s why they work so hard to make everything binary. Black vs White. Democrats vs Republicans. Vaccinated vs “Anti-vaxxers”. It’s all done on purpose. You’re just another pawn in the system until you see they are simply trying to divide us on a daily basis.
Yep. And here we are on a message board arguing with a liberal. @Dattier isn't the enemy. A sheep, but not the enemy.
I don't see anyone telling me about their experiences with racism acting like victims. I see them working to right those circumstances. But then, I actually listen, and then I'm actually there, involved with that work.
Wouldn't them talking to YOU about their experiences be considered acknowledgement of being a victim? How do these discussions happen with you?

There is racism. People do experience it. But it's all about how they handle it. Do they let it dictate how they live their lives? If so, that is a victim mentality.
Yep. And here we are on a message board arguing with a liberal. @Dattier isn't the enemy. A sheep, but not the enemy.
Good point. My goal in these types of conversations is to show people they are being manipulated by the media and their government. I definitely don’t see liberals as the enemy the way they see non-liberals as theirs.
Wouldn't them talking to YOU about their experiences be considered acknowledgement of being a victim? How do these discussions happen with you?

There is racism. People do experience it. But it's all about how they handle it. Do they let it dictate how they live their lives? If so, that is a victim mentality.
I'm saying they do not let it dictate how they live their lives, hence, they do not have a victim mentality.

"Victim mentality" is a right-wing construct designed to shame people into shutting up about oppression so they're easier to oppress.

@Dahntay#1 says there's no such thing as racism.