The New Lounge

You're being dramatic. Everybody stereotypes and prejudges. Its how people survive. I guarantee if you showed up to certain parts of Durham at 1am, you would be doing a whole lot of stereotyping and prejudging. Its laughable that you want us to believe that you view everyone the same when you go out with your family and no one ever posses a greater risk than anyone else. Get real.
Again, you’re rationalizing. You have to construct a 1 in the morning scary neighborhood story to equivocate.
When I offered the anecdotal story you didn’t include in your response earlier, I stated that we are all susceptible to being agents of systemic racism. I’m not excluding myself. I’m making a clear distinction about what you are doing.
LGBTQ people aren’t “shoving” anything in anyone’s face—they’re just no longer hiding. If visibility feels overwhelming, it’s not because they’re doing too much; it’s because you’re not used to seeing them. Pride events vary, and if risqué outfits are the issue, then apply that same energy to Mardi Gras, music festivals, or even the beach. Drag story hours? They’re just people in costumes reading books, no different from clowns or Disney characters. The outrage is selective.

No one is forcing beliefs, just basic respect—like using names and pronouns people go by, something we do every day with nicknames and married names. Avoiding pronouns isn’t neutral; it’s just passive-aggressive. And if Pride is “too much,” then so are churches, cultural festivals, and national holidays. Every group celebrates identity.

If no one cared who people loved or how they lived, there wouldn’t be anti-LGBTQ laws, bans on healthcare, or people losing jobs over their identity. Maybe the issue isn’t them existing—it’s some people not wanting to see them at all.
It’s all perspective. I used to think the same way when I was younger. I thought they simply were fighting for equality. You won’t see it because by default, you are taking them at their word. You have to dig deeper.
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Again, you’re rationalizing. You have to construct a 1 in the morning scary neighborhood story to equivocate.
When I offered the anecdotal story you didn’t include in your response earlier, I stated that we are all susceptible to being agents of systemic racism. I’m not excluding myself. I’m making a clear distinction about what you are doing.
So if I’m understanding correctly, you’re admitting that you stereotype and prejudge but you’re ashamed of it?
It’s all perspective. I used to think the same way when I was younger. I thought they simply were fighting for equality. You won’t see it because by default, you are taking them at their word. You have to dig deeper.
You are still younger. And it shows.
What you really mean is that rather than taking people at their word you have to distrust them and deny what they're saying and ignore them in favor of your own narrative about who they are.
Then don't go to the freakin parade one day per year. Again, selective outrage. Same with drag queen story hour. Quit being so triggered by anyone living their life differently.

You would sound like a robot made out of cardboard for a 1940s movie if you tried to talk without using pronouns.
See, you're not even denying that these people are indeed shoving it in the face of society. This might be a shocker to you, but I don't go to those events. The point is, those events show that it goes far past people just wanting to exist without being told they're a problem. Which is what I was responding to. And when you're involving other people's children, sometimes without the knowledge of their parents, it's not just living your life differently. It's you perverting the minds of children.
So if I’m understanding correctly, you’re admitting that you stereotype and prejudge but you’re ashamed of it?
I'm not perfect and I know it. I understand that systemic racism is something we're all susceptible to.

You're not understanding correctly, nor are you trying to understand. You're just being a boring troll right now.

That stereotypes exist is not a justification for them. Try telling a law-abiding Black man that it makes sense that people would be suspicious of him because of statistics about other Black people.
You are still younger. And it shows.
What you really mean is that rather than taking people at their word you have to distrust them and deny what they're saying and ignore them in favor of your own narrative about who they are.
Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the brain of the average liberal. They don’t understand that people lie for absolutely no reason. So whenever someone says they experienced racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, there’s no probing at all. Similarly, this is why they can’t fathom that they are being lied to by the msm on a daily basis.
I can't comment on everything , so I'll pick the first 3.

Because that’s not how crime or logic works. Crime stats reflect broad social issues, not some inherent trait of a particular demographic. If we followed this logic, we’d have to be wary of all sorts of people based on group statistics rather than individual behavior—which is obviously unfair and impractical.

Also, if crime is the concern, why not focus on the root causes (poverty, education, access to resources) instead of just blaming entire groups? That’s like blaming all men for violent crime when the majority of violent offenders are male. Nobody does that because it’s ridiculous.

No one is saying that anything is an inherent issue. But what do you expect from people? You expect them to say "You know what, that person may be dangerous. However, they may have grown up in poverty, had a poor education, and didn't have access to resources, so I'll put myself and my family in harms way because its not their fault. Not to mention, I don't know a person that thinks everybody from any race or demographic is all the same way.

Sure, people can have opinions, but that doesn’t mean all opinions are equally valid. Thinking men are better leaders than women is not just an opinion—it’s a belief that has real-world consequences, like workplace discrimination and fewer leadership opportunities for women.
Why are we pretending that men and women have the same strengths and weaknesses? Its just not reality. It sounds good but we all know its not true. Ask yourself, why wouldn't you hire a man to babysit your kids? Its for a couple of different reasons, most notably women are more nurturing and better equipped to care for a child. Its also why the overwhelming majority of elementary school teachers are women. But the moment we say that men are probably better at something, such as leadership, all hell breaks lose. And I'm not saying that women cant be good leaders at all.

This is just dismissive and misses the point entirely. No one is asking you to “role-play”; they’re asking you to respect their identity—just like you’d expect people to respect your name, pronouns, or basic dignity.

And let’s be real, you already “role-play” in daily life by using people’s preferred names and titles. If someone changes their name from Mike to John, you don’t throw a fit and call them delusional. But somehow, when it’s a trans person, it’s suddenly an issue?

A couple of things here. First, this goes into what I said in an earlier post. This is just the left going along with whatever the media tells them to do. You would've been seen as a lunatic if you were walking around calling yourself by different pronouns 15+ years ago. When the msm started to push the narrative, that's when the left got onboard.

Secondly, since we know it’s all made up by the media, it makes us not want to play along even more. If I walked around calling myself Big Daddy and called you a bigot if you didn't play along, would you not think I was insane?
People assess risk based on individual behavior, not just broad statistics. No one is saying to ignore safety, but making snap judgments about entire demographics based on crime rates is just lazy thinking. We do this selectively—no one assumes all men are dangerous because the majority of violent offenders are male. If crime is the concern, then focus on the actual causes, not just labeling groups as threats while ignoring context.

Men and women have different averages in certain traits, but that doesn’t mean individuals can’t excel outside of stereotypes. Women dominate teaching because of social expectations, not biological destiny. Leadership is no different—men have historically led because society favored them, not because they’re inherently better. Acknowledging that doesn’t mean women can’t lead or men can’t nurture; it just means we shouldn’t limit people based on outdated assumptions.

Gender identity isn’t new—it’s existed across cultures for centuries. Just because something wasn’t mainstream 15 years ago doesn’t mean it wasn’t real. Society evolves—interracial marriage and women in pants were once radical too. People aren’t following the media; they’re recognizing what has always existed.

Your “Big Daddy” example isn’t the same. Names and pronouns reflect identity, not a random title. You expect people to respect your name—why should pronouns be different? No one is forcing beliefs, just basic decency. Refusing isn’t about principle; it’s about choosing to be dismissive.
See, you're not even denying that these people are indeed shoving it in the face of society. This might be a shocker to you, but I don't go to those events. The point is, those events show that it goes far past people just wanting to exist without being told they're a problem. Which is what I was responding to. And when you're involving other people's children, sometimes without the knowledge of their parents, it's not just living your life differently. It's you perverting the minds of children.
I've already denied it.

Do you want to do more than just exist? Do you want to go out in public and live your life? Be who you are?

Interacting with a man who wears a dress* perverts the minds of children? Does that apply to kilts, too? What about if dad wraps a towel around his waist after a shower?

(*Drag queens are men who wear women's clothes; it's not the same as being transgendered.)
I'm not perfect and I know it. I understand that systemic racism is something we're all susceptible to.

You're not understanding correctly, nor are you trying to understand. You're just being a boring troll right now.

That stereotypes exist is not a justification for them. Try telling a law-abiding Black man that it makes sense that people would be suspicious of him because of statistics about other Black people.
Gotcha right there. I am a law abiding black man and have no issues when I go out. Never had an issue with the cops. Never been pulled over for no reason. Never have any issues with the big bad white man they tell me about. Make great money and never been held back by “white supremacy” or so-called “systemic racism. You’ve been duped by the media my friend.
Ladies and gentlemen,

This is the brain of the average liberal. They don’t understand that people lie for absolutely no reason. So whenever someone says they experienced racism, sexism, homophobia, etc, there’s no probing at all. Similarly, this is why they can’t fathom that they are being lied to by the msm on a daily basis.
"Ladies and gentlemen"... but I'm being dramatic. :rolleyes:

There's a very wide range between being completely gullible and being a disrespectful bigot.
Gotcha right there. I am a law abiding black man and have no issues when I go out. Never had an issue with the cops. Never been pulled over for no reason. Never have any issues with the big bad white man they tell me about. Make great money and never been held back by “white supremacy” or so-called “systemic racism. You’ve been duped by the media my friend.
If you say so.
By the logic you put forth, people should distrust you and stereotype you because of statistics and it shouldn't bother you because, hey, maths is mAtHiNg.
If you say so.
By the logic you put forth, people should distrust you and stereotype you because of statistics and it shouldn't bother you because, hey, maths is mAtHiNg.
That’s the point you’re missing. It doesn’t bother me because I understand it. I probably have the same fears that they do.

I have a female friend who has dated many Italian men. She says they all cheat and she won’t do it again. According to your logic, she’s wrong for taking into account her experience with Italian men and should continue dating them.
That’s the point you’re missing. It doesn’t bother me because I understand it. I probably have the same fears that they do.

I have a female friend who has dated many Italian men. She says they all cheat and she won’t do it again. According to your logic, she’s wrong for taking into account her experience with Italian men and should continue dating them.
You disrespect gay people but I’m supposed to take the one of you at your word for anything beyond your personal experience? Lol

Nobody has a right to dating someone. That’s an irrelevant example, just like your 1am scawy neighbowhood scenawio. You think you’re laying down some brilliant logic, but you’re equating all prejudices as if they’re all the same. Gonna play “gotcha” over what cheeses I don’t care for next?
You disrespect gay people but I’m supposed to take the one of you at your word for anything beyond your personal experience? Lol

Nobody has a right to dating someone. That’s an irrelevant example, just like your 1am scawy neighbowhood scenawio. You think you’re laying down some brilliant logic, but you’re equating all prejudices as if they’re all the same. Gonna play “gotcha” over what cheeses I don’t care for next?
Unfortunately, I have to try alternative methods when speaking to liberals. I more deal in logic so I’m out of my element when talking to you. So apologies for that.

I have literally never disrespected a gay person in my life and never would.

And you’re right on cue purposely bringing a strawman argument. No one said what her rights were with dating someone. It’s about her personal experience dictating her behavior going forward. And you know that, but pretending you don’t.
Unfortunately, I have to try alternative methods when speaking to liberals. I more deal in logic so I’m out of my element when talking to you. So apologies for that.

I have literally never disrespected a gay person in my life and never would.

And you’re right on cue purposely bringing a strawman argument. No one said what her rights were with dating someone. It’s about her personal experience dictating her behavior going forward. And you know that, but pretending you don’t.
Uh… you just said you do not take them at their word when they say they want equality. You consider them dishonest and conniving. You tried to mock me as if accepting someone at their word is somehow a character flaw.

That is disrespecting them. You essentially called them liars. You think you know them better than they know themselves and that they are inherently untrustworthy.

You did a good job hiding who you are for a couple days, but the cracks are showing now as you get increasingly petty and desperate. You’ve foregone all illusion of cordial, intellectual curiosity. Don’t worry. All the other conservatives here will like it anyway and go brag that they have a Black friend now.

Your logic is flawed. Who we choose to have in our personal lives — such as dating — is irrelevant to systemic prejudices that oppress people. Your friend doesn’t want to date Italian men. So what? It’s completely irrelevant to any meaningful, honest discussion of systemic prejudice and privilege.

If you get stopped and “randomly” frisked because of your race, you’re gonna be cool with that because you fit the profile/stereotype? Or if someone treats you poorly because of your race, you’re fine with that because of statistics? You’ve already said it has never ever ever happened to you, so you should answer on principle alone, since you have no experience with it: is it okay to treat individuals negatively based on stereotypes? Not dating, not in your bc 1am scenawio, not understandable because of some traumatic past experience… is it okay for the person being treated that way, through no fault of their own?
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Btw, we’re going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth about whether it’s okay to treat non-white people badly based on statistics. No one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of mass shooters; no one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of sex offenders… no one has even mentioned the ways in which white men could possibly be stereotyped… but yeah, privilege is just some made-up concept. 🤣
Uh… you just said you do not take them at their word when they say they want equality. You consider them dishonest and conniving. You tried to mock me as if accepting someone at their word is somehow a character flaw.

That is disrespecting them. You essentially called them liars. You think you know them better than they know themselves and that they are inherently untrustworthy.

You did a good job hiding who you are for a couple days, but the cracks are showing now as you get increasingly petty and desperate. You’ve foregone all illusion of cordial, intellectual curiosity.

Your logic is flawed. Who we choose to have in our personal lives — such as dating — is irrelevant to systemic prejudices that oppress people. Your friend doesn’t want to date Italian men. So what? It’s completely irrelevant to any meaningful, honest discussion of systemic prejudice and privilege.

If you get stopped and “randomly” frisked because of your race, you’re gonna be cool with that because you fit the profile/stereotype? Or if someone treats you poorly because of your race, you’re fine with that because of statistics? You’ve already said it has never ever ever happened to you, so you should answer on principle alone, since you have no experience with it: is it okay to treat individuals negatively based on stereotypes? Not dating, not in your bc 1am scenawio, not understandable because of some traumatic past experience… is it okay for the person being treated that way, through no fault of their own?
We just have two fundamentally different ways of thinking. Me not blindly trusting what someone says has nothing to do with gay people. That’s how it should be with anyone. If someone, anyone, tells me something, I remain neutral on what they said until I have evidence to believe one way or the other. The fact that you blindly believe what people say just because they say it makes sense as to why you have the worldview that you do.

As far as how I’m treated because of my race, it’s not about what I’m fine with. It’s about reality. You’re too stuck in your feelings to deal with logic. You’d prefer comfortable lies than hard truths. There’s a reason why myself and my black friends never have the experiences they tell you about on the media you watch.

This is basically your stance. “I know that 13% of the population commits 50% of violent crimes. But everyone should ignore that and pretend it doesn’t exist. And as a black man, I should be appalled if anyone may have pause due to those numbers.” Again, you only deal with feelings.
Btw, we’re going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth about whether it’s okay to treat non-white people badly based on statistics. No one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of mass shooters; no one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of sex offenders… no one has even mentioned the ways in which white men could possibly be stereotyped… but yeah, privilege is just some made-up concept. 🤣
Yeah so neither of those are true. Actually do research on the topics outside of CNN and you’ll see that is the case. But let’s say the misconception is true, white men are stereotyped for things too. It’s no different.
Just another example of how the media can manipulate data to fit a narrative. When you look up mass shootings by race in 2024, it tells you that of 151 mass shootings, 82 were carried out by white men. But the official FBI data says that there were 488 mass shootings in 2024. So they can switch the meaning up to fit their narrative. But the fact is the vast majority of mass shootings every year are carried out in Urban areas and are related to gangs.

But sure, that could be a stereotype.
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We just have two fundamentally different ways of thinking. Me not blindly trusting what someone says has nothing to do with gay people. That’s how it should be with anyone. If someone, anyone, tells me something, I remain neutral on what they said until I have evidence to believe one way or the other. The fact that you blindly believe what people say just because they say it makes sense as to why you have the worldview that you do.

As far as how I’m treated because of my race, it’s not about what I’m fine with. It’s about reality. You’re too stuck in your feelings to deal with logic. You’d prefer comfortable lies than hard truths. There’s a reason why myself and my black friends never have the experiences they tell you about on the media you watch.

This is basically your stance. “I know that 13% of the population commits 50% of violent crimes. But everyone should ignore that and pretend it doesn’t exist. And as a black man, I should be appalled if anyone may have pause due to those numbers.” Again, you only deal with feelings.
I’ve already clarified that it’s not blind trust or gullibility.

I’ve already said it was about principle, not accepting some terribly flawed reality. That leads me to believe you would have dissuaded your kids from taking part in the Civil Rights Movement because you should just keep your head down and appreciate whatever crumb falls off the table for you.

I don’t watch the media you claim I watch. I work in public schools. I’m involved in my union. I marshall parades. I go to workshops and conventions and churches and community meetings. I’m in those same neighborhoods you think I’d be scared of. I was in a building that got hit by bullets in a drive-by last September and I keep showing the ML up there and everywhere else. It was traumatic as ML. Just last night I ran into the mom of a 10-year-old who was there, too, and who I tried to comfort as he yelled, “WHERE’S MY MOM? IS MY MOM OKAY?” until she crawled across the main room to where we were. My knees shake sometimes and I keep walking forward. What the ML do you do, son?

It’s sooooo perfect that you actually used actual quotation marks around what you’re pretending I’m like. 😂 Not remotely correct, but a perfect example of how you’d rather short-circuit all your thinking in favor of some chicken-not-salad stereotype. It’s comforting for you to treat liberals like caricatures on your level so you can maintain your bc smugness, OVO.
Just another example of how the media can manipulate data to fit a narrative. When you look up mass shootings by race in 2024, it tells you that of 151 mass shootings, 82 were carried out by white men. But the official FBI data says that there were 488 mass shootings in 2024. So they can switch the meaning up to fit their narrative. But the fact is the vast majority of mass shootings every year are carried out in Urban areas and are related to gangs.

But sure, that could be a stereotype.
Ah, yeah, I should have specified random mass shootings, including school shootings. Gang-related shootings is a completely different matter, and very troubling, and per my last post, something I’m actually dealing with, not just using it as an occasional distraction from other issues you don’t want to talk about. It’s the classic Bu-bu-but-Chicago Syndrome (BBBCS).

So tell me about how that FBI stat and that first stat come from the same place using the same criteria, @GhostOf301 . Then tell me how contradictory it is, rather than just different record-keeping.
I’ve already clarified that it’s not blind trust or gullibility.

I’ve already said it was about principle, not accepting some terribly flawed reality. That leads me to believe you would have dissuaded your kids from taking part in the Civil Rights Movement because you should just keep your head down and appreciate whatever crumb falls off the table for you.

I don’t watch the media you claim I watch. I work in public schools. I’m involved in my union. I marshall parades. I go to workshops and conventions and churches and community meetings. I’m in those same neighborhoods you think I’d be scared of. I was in a building that got hit by bullets in a drive-by last September and I keep showing the ML up there and everywhere else. It was traumatic as ML. Just last night I ran into the mom of a 10-year-old who was there, too, and who I tried to comfort as he yelled, “WHERE’S MY MOM? IS MY MOM OKAY?” until she crawled across the main room to where we were. My knees shake sometimes and I keep walking forward. What the ML do you do, son?

It’s sooooo perfect that you actually used actual quotation marks around what you’re pretending I’m like. 😂 Not remotely correct, but a perfect example of how you’d rather short-circuit all your thinking in favor of some chicken-not-salad stereotype. It’s comforting for you to treat liberals like caricatures on your level so you can maintain your bc smugness, OVO.
Uhhh yeah. My kids definitely wouldn’t have been participating in the Civil Rights Movement. Not for the reasons you mentioned though. Rather it was one of the worst things to ever happen to the black community. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand why considering what you’ve been taught.
Btw, we’re going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth about whether it’s okay to treat non-white people badly based on statistics. No one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of mass shooters; no one has brought up the overwhelmingly white male demographic of sex offenders… no one has even mentioned the ways in which white men could possibly be stereotyped… but yeah, privilege is just some made-up concept. 🤣
Yes, blacks were treated very bad years ago. Racism still exists and many get treated unfairly today. This has been discussed quite a bit. Improvements have been made though, no one can deny that. But sadly, we will never live in a perfect world.

Let’s also not pretend that in some ways, we’ve gone overboard, to where it’s almost made to appear that all white men should feel guilty for being white. The media (shocker) has done a phenomenal job at that, as well as the white family shows. The husband is made out to be dense, uncaring, and always having to say I’m sorry.

Racism, or jokes, are maybe more popular now on white men. Look no further than the attempts at comedy from our own fan base picking on Kentucky fans. Calling them inbreds, toothless rednecks…. No one is to be offended for that.

And policemen. How’s it made worse? If you’re a white policeman.
So tell me about how that FBI stat and that first stat come from the same place using the same criteria, @GhostOf301 . Then tell me how contradictory it is, rather than just different record-keeping.
Ooooh, and @Dahntay#1 , tell me all about how that very question comes out of some liberal playbook you just finger-painted into existence in your Underoos and how it shows no analysis or independent thought.
Uhhh yeah. My kids definitely wouldn’t have been participating in the Civil Rights Movement. Not for the reasons you mentioned though. Rather it was one of the worst things to ever happen to the black community. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand why considering what you’ve been taught.
And you were ever a liberal… 🤣

I asked you a question.
Ah, yeah, I should have specified random mass shootings, including school shootings. Gang-related shootings is a completely different matter, and very troubling, and per my last post, something I’m actually dealing with, not just using it as an occasional distraction from other issues you don’t want to talk about. It’s the classic Bu-bu-but-Chicago Syndrome (BBBCS).

So tell me about how that FBI stat and that first stat come from the same place using the same criteria, @GhostOf301 . Then tell me how contradictory it is, rather than just different record-keeping.
Yes. You want to specify those types of shootings because they help make your point. It's not, but-but-but Chicago. It is that you want to leave out where most of the shooting deaths occur because those don't pull on the heartstrings.

I would take my time to dig through the pages of Google or Bing to find accurate statistics. But the search is so skewed to reach a narrative that it really isn't worth my time. Like I said, if you Google mass shootings by race, you will find 151 mass shootings. If you Google how many mass shootings, you get 488. This is in 2024.
Yes, blacks were treated very bad years ago. Racism still exists and many get treated unfairly today. This has been discussed quite a bit. Improvements have been made though, no one can deny that. But sadly, we will never live in a perfect world.

Let’s also not pretend that in some ways, we’ve gone overboard, to where it’s almost made to appear that all white men should feel guilty for being white. The media (shocker) has done a phenomenal job at that, as well as the white family shows. The husband is made out to be dense, uncaring, and always having to say I’m sorry.

Racism, or jokes, are maybe more popular now on white men. Look no further than the attempts at comedy from our own fan base picking on Kentucky fans. Calling them inbreds, toothless rednecks…. No one is to be offended for that.

And policemen. How’s it made worse? If you’re a white policeman.
You sure about that first paragraph? @Dahntay#1 seems to disagree, being a Black man who has never experienced any racism whatsoever in all of his 30-ish years. Maybe we’re wrong about racism ever existing. He doesn’t even think the Civil Rights Movement ever should have happened. Lol

On the rest… I really think the idea that white men are actually suffering more from racism now is an overreaction to advantages that we never should have had being checked finally. I don’t expect this metaphor to land with you, but to illustrate what it seems like to me… it’s like getting free cable for months because someone forgot to turn off the previous tenant’s account… then getting indignant over it when they correct their error, turn it off, and interrupt your binge-watching of House of the Dragon.
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Yes. You want to specify those types of shootings because they help make your point. It's not, but-but-but Chicago. It is that you want to leave out where most of the shooting deaths occur because those don't pull on the heartstrings.
I just explained quite clearly how my very life has been on the line related to that particular type of shooting, not to mention the other type.
I just explained quite clearly how my very life has been on the line related to that particular type of shooting, not to mention the other type.
I'd like to say is was 2005 where I was in a housing project looking to get testimony from a witness of a shooting. Someone unrelated didn't like me being there and put his gun in my face. I am not sure of the details you are experiencing, but would I be right to completely disregard any other type of shooting because I was a potential victim of this type of shooting?
You sure about that first paragraph? @Dahntay#1 seems to disagree, being a Black man who has never experienced any racism whatsoever in all of his 30-ish years. Maybe we’re wrong about racism ever existing. He doesn’t even think the Civil Rights Movement ever should have happened. Lol

On the rest… I really think the idea that white men are actually suffering more from racism now is an overreaction to advantages that we never should have had being checked finally. I don’t expect this metaphor to land with you, but to illustrate what it seems like to me… it’s like getting free cable for months because someone forgot to turn off the previous tenant’s account… then getting indignant over it when they correct their error, turn it off, and interrupt your binge-watching of House of the Dragon.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand. You refuse to accept that nothing can change what’s happened. But the bigger issue is it doesn’t fit what you’ve been told. There has to be someone to blame, and who better to be a champion for the downtrodden than a white lib, and good Ol Datt knows best.

A true legend in your on mind. Take a bow sir.
I'd like to say is was 2005 where I was in a housing project looking to get testimony from a witness of a shooting. Someone unrelated didn't like me being there and put his gun in my face. I am not sure of the details you are experiencing, but would I be right to completely disregard any other type of shooting because I was a potential victim of this type of shooting?
Man, very sorry to hear you ever had to deal with something like that.

No idea how to answer your question. Wasn’t really why I brought my experience up.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand. You refuse to accept that nothing can change what’s happened. But the bigger issue is it doesn’t fit what you’ve been told. There has to be someone to blame, and who better to be a champion for the downtrodden than a white lib, and good Ol Datt knows best.

A true legend in your on mind. Take a bow sir.
Missed me by a mile. I feel sorry for you, mac.
Missed me by a mile. I feel sorry for you, mac.
The last thing I want is for you to feel sorry for me.
The common denominator in this thread is you. I’m not talking about disagreeing either. I realize you’re a liberal, and you’ve been trained to disagree with all of us. Thats not the issue. It’s that you talk down to everyone when making your argument, then play the victim card when someone stoops to your level.
The last thing I want is for you to feel sorry for me.
The common denominator in this thread is you. I’m not talking about disagreeing either. I realize you’re a liberal, and you’ve been trained to disagree with all of us. Thats not the issue. It’s that you talk down to everyone when making your argument, then play the victim card when someone stoops to your level.
I haven't been trained to do a freakin thing any more than you have been. I'm standing on what I truly believe.
Y'all start it with me as much as I start it with you. Way, way more, in fact.
The common denominator is the only regular liberal? Gee, who'd've thunk? :rolleyes:

I feel sorry for you because you're pitiful and pitiable, mac. Doesn't matter what you want or don't want. I feel sorry for you.
You sure about that first paragraph? @Dahntay#1 seems to disagree, being a Black man who has never experienced any racism whatsoever in all of his 30-ish years. Maybe we’re wrong about racism ever existing. He doesn’t even think the Civil Rights Movement ever should have happened. Lol

On the rest… I really think the idea that white men are actually suffering more from racism now is an overreaction to advantages that we never should have had being checked finally. I don’t expect this metaphor to land with you, but to illustrate what it seems like to me… it’s like getting free cable for months because someone forgot to turn off the previous tenant’s account… then getting indignant over it when they correct their error, turn it off, and interrupt your binge-watching of House of the Dragon.
I definitely disagree. Were there policies in place that hurt some black people? Of course. Is it anywhere close to the scale that the media has made you believe? Not even close. Considering I know what you’ve been indoctrinated with regarding the Civil Rights Movement, you have no clue what actually happened. The word racism is a relatively new word used to manipulate the masses. More specifically, people like you.

If you actually studied the Civil Rights Movement and weren’t a liberal, you would see how much the movement hurt the black community.

As far as “racism” today. The same applies. It’s mostly made up lies and exaggeration to manipulate people like you. But considering you believe a person every time they say they experienced “racism”, your worldview makes complete sense.
I find liberal men to be an embarrassment. Why would I lie about it? You think I’d want to identify with something that I find absolutely embarrassing now lol?
Here's why you might lie about it: By claiming you used to be a liberal, you get to claim insider knowledge of what that is like, then make broad generalizations about all liberals. You would also get to present yourself as a thoughtful person who has considered both sides and chosen the superior one.

Using drug addiction for this example, sometimes former addicts make the best counselors because they have been there and can empathize. Sometimes they become condescending pricks who think they're superior for having gotten out, and who look down on others for not having overcome it. The same could be said of people who have abandoned a faith or abandoned atheism, ex-gays (lol), or a variety of people who have changed something in their life. It's pretty obvious you've chosen the latter path, the path of condescension. Ironically, for all that arrogance, it's also evidence of self-loathing. I'm pretty confident that 10 years from now, you'll hate the you you are today.

My last year of undergrad, I TA'd for a professor. After I expressed annoyance about a particular student, the professor laughed and said, "They're just like you were 3 years ago." I realized upon reflection that she was right, and that what I didn't like about the student was how I was reminded of a younger, embarrassing version of myself. I was 22 then, and it marks a significant step in the development of my empathy. So I call you out for your condescension, self-loathing, and lack of empathy at least in part as someone who has been there.

But I take you at your word, unlike how you treat others. It's a pretty crazy stretch that you would go from being liberal to rejecting the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Even among conservatives, there's pretty wide acceptance and admiration for the Civil Rights Movement.
I definitely disagree. Were there policies in place that hurt some black people? Of course. Is it anywhere close to the scale that the media has made you believe? Not even close. Considering I know what you’ve been indoctrinated with regarding the Civil Rights Movement, you have no clue what actually happened. The word racism is a relatively new word used to manipulate the masses. More specifically, people like you.

If you actually studied the Civil Rights Movement and weren’t a liberal, you would see how much the movement hurt the black community.

As far as “racism” today. The same applies. It’s mostly made up lies and exaggeration to manipulate people like you. But considering you believe a person every time they say they experienced “racism”, your worldview makes complete sense.
How about slavery? Were people better off enslaved? lol

I listen to people saying they experience racism. As someone who has never experienced any, that's how you learn. Well, no, that's how I learn. You don't.

I'm taking you at your word. How much has that allowed you to manipulate me? How has pretending to know what I think and what I know protected you from manipulation? How mentally weak do you have to be to believe that?

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