Jon Scheyer After Loss to Georgia Tech: As a Coaching Staff We Probably Have to Make Some Changes - Carolina Blitz
Duke Drops 2nd Game in a Row to Georgia Tech

“We have a week of practice. We have to stick together. We’ve got to get together even closer. As a coaching staff, there are some things we have to look at and probably make some changes.”
My guess:
The team that finished is who starts:
7’0 Flip
6’9 Mitchell
6’9 Power
6’5 Foster (until Proctor returns)
6’0 Roach
I am guessing (hoping) thats the change. Back to a two guard lineup. Aside from the dumb technical, Mitchell looked very good later in the game with Power with him. Young’s minutes will go down, only spelling Flip. Stewart will spell Mitchell and Power. Foster and MCCain will spell Roach and Proctor (when he returns).
Duke will go on a run with roles clearly defined in my opinion.
This is the way.