Quinn Cook, the main ingredient.


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Nov 21, 2006
I just can NOT help but love this kid. He is the glue that holds our team tight. Always including everyone, showing that brotherly love. You can tell the younger players love and look up to him. The end of this video had me smiling like a Cheshire Cat. Priceless.

Cook and Obi
And I think he's been a good story. He's gone from a good player with a lot of emotional ups and downs to an incredibly important player demonstrating good leadership skills and consistent play. Hats off to Quinn. Our senior has been remarkable.
This team developed great chemistry on and off the court at a particular point during the season. I'm hopeful it will carry us this coming month.
Agreed Show. I knew he would have a big year. No one in his way this season.
He might be the main ingredient but he's also the chef. I love seniors. OFC
Originally posted by crossoveryp:
Agreed Show. I knew he would have a big year. No one in his way this season.
That's what happens when a player stays for 4 years. OFC
He is so alike his big brother. Love having his senior presence. On the court and off the court he shows up.
Hey Show could you edit the topic title in some way, so we can turn this thread into a senior honor topic for him, he has one game on the K court left. He deserves it.
I'm not gonna lie, Quinn is my favorite player on this year's team. He is everything a leader should be. The way he has responded to all these young guys coming in, just really taking them all under his wing, has been such a great thing to watch. He could've handled everything completely differently and this entire season would've gone left. Instead, he stepped up in every sense of the word. Very, very proud of him!
QC is the MVP of this team and it's not even close. We heard a lot coming out of the Duke camp. How Quinn was ready to lead, ready to put his ego aside for the good of the team etc etc. There were A LOT of people questioning whether that was true, including myself. All this young man did was come out and exceed every expectation that was bestowed upon him during the off season. He has become a man and leader in every sense of the word. It's really great to see him and what he's become. He deserves every bit of praise he gets and more. Kudos to him!!
I watched the end of this video ten times, laughing out loud. You can feel that brotherhood, they are really having fun. And Quinn is right Damn if ol' Obi ain't lookin' SHARP in that vid.
Originally posted by crazyduke3:
Hey Show could you edit the topic title in some way, so we can turn this thread into a senior honor topic for him, he has one game on the K court left. He deserves it.
I will start a thread for Quinn on Tuesday sometime. We usually do something like that for every senior each year just before their final home game. It's a little too soon to start today just because I don't want it being halfway down the page by the time Wednesday's game rolls around.

As for Quinn's senior's been special. Every year Coach K has a special meal with his family, the coaches and the seniors right before their final game in Cameron. At that meal the players are asked about and to share their favorite memories of playing at Duke.

Anyway, back in 2010 at the senior meal Jon Scheyer was asked about his favorite memory. His answer? "It hasn't happened yet." (You must remember this was roughly a month before that team won the national championship.)

I'll never forget that quote from Jon, and I have to imagine that Quinn's answer this year will sound much the same. If any Duke player has ever deserved a Final Four more I'd love to know who....because Quinn has been a part of two of the toughest losses in this program's history. Here's to hoping his favorite memory is still to come too.
IMHO, what has taken him from good to great is shot selection. He would take shots in his first three seasons which were good if there was less than 10 on shot clock, but bad when there is 30. He is not forcing the action this year but is letting it come to him. No wonder his shooting percentage has gone up...
He's been absolutely incredible. It's not just with his clutch shooting, his mental toughness has soared. I remember some of the posters on THR had high hopes that Cook would be a loose cannon, and that he couldn't make nice with Tyus. The exact opposite has occurred, and his leadership has been quite evident. Couldn't be prouder of him


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