38-0 was/is a great accomplishment. One L, especially in the FF doesn't erase that.
That said, SEC was extremely weak through and through this year. I thought all along that NCS and Miami would have been top 2,3.4 in this year's SEC. Of course they got us. Point is, Kentucky's near losses were to mediocre teams at best. Teams that just as much imploded down the stretch all on their own as much as UK just taking over.
To go 40-0 and win it all, UK was going to have to beat ND, Wisconsin, and Duke as it turns out. All 3 of these teams are far better than any of the teams that almost beat UK. In no way was 40-0 as forgone a conclusion as some of the experts predicted. UK was undefeated and very good, not perfect. Now if they finished out, that would really have been something special.