First off, I’ll give you a little credit. You know basketball. But so does most everyone that posts here. The problem with you is, you are quick to want credit for your predictions, or blame Koach (as you call him) for not doing what you think he should, which is a reason your prophecies didn’t come true. Damn him!
Your other problem is I’ve yet to read a post of yours where you admit you were wrong.
I’ll give you one that happened this season already, and that was before a game, in the game day thread, and I believe it was Georgia State, where you said you hoped Tre wouldn’t shoot any 3’s. Thank God he didn’t listen to you, because he hit at least 3 if I’m not mistaken.
Where were you after that game?
Look, I say a lot, and I’m right sometimes, and sometimes I’m not. I question Coach K some, but you act like you know more than he does.
Learn how to eat some humble pie. As you get older, and hopefully wiser, it will help with your maturation.