Our offense is pretty bad I can't remember seeing it much worse.
Our offense is killing our defense. And Grayson has been blocked back for a layup on the other end four times now.
Allen has learned a lot while at Duke but when not to drive and shoot is not one of them. Everyone of his misses seems to lead to a UK fast break.
Looks like the shots may be falling finally. Now to get back on defense.
Our guards have some work to do and Grayson needs to learn when to slow down.
No need to a game ball poll just go ahead and give it to Marshall, no one else is awake.
Told my buddy tonight I didn't like the way this team played the first two games and I didn't think we could win without PG play which we don't have as of yet.
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Wow. I'm happy we're only down 6. That was a pretty pathetic ending to a pretty pathetic half.
Yeah, Grayson is just totally forcing it. Needs to settle down. Will be interesting to see if Grayson can put this half behind him and give us some production.

That would have been something to go in only down four. A shame another bad set put us down six.
Allen killed us, he's a winner he will right the ship! It was ugly but we're in it
Thorton is going to be darn good, give the kid time. Tyus Stones spoiled us big time. I think the light is going to go on for Thornton and when it does, watch out!
We need a go to guy to hit shots, right now we don't have one. This team has loads of potential but it's goin to take time and they will take their lumps.
Thornton impressed me with those two jumpers & assist at the end. He has to play!
Can't believe we're only down this much. Grayson wow idk what the heck this is but he is causing us to lose!! he needs to sit for a few and if Thornton shows any life he's the starting pg from now one. Marshall looks awesome tho so if we can fig out the pg we will still be fine this season
Agree with the much penetration from bad offense and off the dribble.

How many jump shots has Kentucky even made? Probably like 3.
Being down 6 isn't bad at all considering our leading scorer is MP3.. He has literally kept this from being a 15 point game..

Let's hope we come out to play 2nd half!