Boheim to retire


Cameron Crazy
Dec 1, 2010
He will retire in 3 years. Wonder who will succeed him? Is it fair to say that Syracuse will have a tough time transitioning into a perennial contender?

When it's time for K to hang them up, I would love to get a 3 year notice. Hopefully he announces his successor at the same time too so recruits know what is going on.

"Coach Boeheim has also told me that he intends to retire as Head Coach
in three years," Syverud said. "His goal in making this decision and
announcement now is to bring certainty to the team and program in the
coming years, and enable and plan for a successful, longer-term
transition in coaching leadership. Coach Boeheim's commitment to
ensuring that the men's basketball program remains strong even after his
tenure is just one more example of his deep loyalty to our University."

I personally think it is a selfish move. Will Syracuse be able to hire the next head coach while Boeheim is still there, not unless they hire within. Will Syracuse be able to recruit over the next 3 years, no, especially not with the reduced scholarships. This is a PR move angled to make Boeheim look like a decent guy on his way out when in reality it only further destroys the program's chance for success from now until well after he leaves.
Originally posted by chov1125:
I personally think it is a selfish move. Will Syracuse be able to hire the next head coach while Boeheim is still there, not unless they hire within. Will Syracuse be able to recruit over the next 3 years, no, especially not with the reduced scholarships. This is a PR move angled to make Boeheim look like a decent guy on his way out when in reality it only further destroys the program's chance for success from now until well after he leaves.
We'll see. I think Mike Hopkins was considered the coach-in-waiting by the prior AD, and would have been elevated to the head job had it not been for the scandal. The sanctions throw that into question, but probably doesn't rule it out.

I think a lot of people that the sanctions may lead Boeheim to leave now or after next year. My guess is that they're just trying to address the short-term uncertainty by putting out a date that is pretty far from now; even though it's entirely possible that he may still nonetheless retire earlier. I think it will depend a lot on what the new AD's attitudes are towards Hopkins -- and, assuming he's still the intended future coach, we'll see Boeheim step down after next season.
Yes, my recollection was that Hopkins was the new coach in wiating.

I have not kept up with the scandal and reason for the sanctions. Was Hopkins knee deep in htat?
lol have fun recruiting.

Om other news, K will retire in 10 years.

What a stupid announcement.
Well they can only recruit about 2 kids a year anyways. I don't think its that selfish. The selfish thing would be to leave now with the program in shambles and going on probation. I think Boheim is saying I'll suffer through the first few years of being awful and on probation and then let the new guy come in as the Cuse is coming out of probation so they can build the program the way they want and recruit the guys they want. But basically Cuse is not going to be relevant for awhile.
I feel bad for him. He is getting hammered more than he deserves. He's still a winner in my mind.
I think it's a good move, and an honest one, to announce. It gives 2015, 2016 and 2017 recruits some assurance, and it gives Syracuse plenty of time to find the right guy and possibly publicize that, too, which should do some damage control in recruiting thereafter.
Feel bad for the dude, although I'm retired and...guess what, Jim? ain't all that bad!
With a new AD coming in, I wonder if Jimmy will even last these next 3 years and be able to go out on his own terms. At this point I think it is quite arrogant that he thinks he should last 3 more years on his own terms.
Originally posted by DukeDenver:
I feel bad for him. He is getting hammered more than he deserves. He's still a winner in my mind.
^This. He is and always will be Syracuse.
Go Duke!!

Gosh you guys sound like Vitale. "The only thing Jim is guilty of is trust"

Give me a freaking break, this man has no respect for the game or his program. He doesn't care about academics, he doesn't care what people think when he swears like a sailor in the post game conference, he doesn't care what his STUDENT athletes are doing or where they are, the only thing he actually cares about his just winning basketball games. This NCAA hammer that has stripped him of roughly 300 wins and 8 games next year, is certainly a good portion ON HIM.

He is a cheat, a impolite, a rude, disrespectful man. Oh he IS Syracuse Basketball? Well you know what? Syracuse basketball sucks. And so does Jim Boheim.
I agree that Bohiem is dirty. I also agree with his comment in this article:

"This is far from a program where student-athletes freely committed academic fraud," Boeheim said.

Bohiem appears to be the type of guy that if he is going down, then everyone should go down with him. He had to know that even though he didn't call out UNC directly, people would connect the dots and know who he was trying to throw under the bus.
Originally posted by crazyduke3:
Gosh you guys sound like Vitale. "The only thing Jim is guilty of is trust"

Give me a freaking break, this man has no respect for the game or his program. He doesn't care about academics, he doesn't care what people think when he swears like a sailor in the post game conference, he doesn't care what his STUDENT athletes are doing or where they are, the only thing he actually cares about his just winning basketball games. This NCAA hammer that has stripped him of roughly 300 wins and 8 games next year, is certainly a good portion ON HIM.

He is a cheat, a impolite, a rude, disrespectful man. Oh he IS Syracuse Basketball? Well you know what? Syracuse basketball sucks. And so does Jim Boheim.
Replace "Boeheim" with "Coach K" and this post would fit perfectly on THR.
How many times have you met Boeheim?
UK fan here ? Isn't Capel the Associate head coach ? I would think that would give him an advantage over any other possible candidates . Unlike Boheim , I'm bettin coach K will be able to name his successor . Of course I'm an outsider but I gotta say , that Buffalo team that came into Rupp this year was one of the best coached teams I've seen . Bobby Hurely will be moving up fast .