The New Lounge

Clips of delusional idiots calling Trump Hitler and fascist on a daily basis on CNN, The View, and MSNBC among others are all over YouTube and Facebook
Her source is Hillary Clinton. Hilldogg said recently that the media hasn't been doing their job by giving negative press on Trump. Like @Mac9192 has said, the delusion is strong with these people. The perpetrators in the media know exactly what they're doing. They are spoon feeding a class of people who are insanely loyal to their progressive news sources, knowing that they won't question anything they tell them. The minority news outlets are called conspiracy theorists and somehow become the crazy ones.
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The New Lounge

Kamala is in a helluva bind. She needs to be doing interviews, but then when she does, it’s awful.
Even though Ol Joe has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and has dealt with mental decline the last 5 plus years, the Ho has no excuse. This broad is just dumb and ignorant.

Nothing is working. Even the black savior, Obama, got his ass handed to him over chastising black men.

The Dems have cheating, so there’s still a good chance.
The Dems have worked overtime for the past four years to stigmatize anyone who challenges a Pres election so that makes me nervous.

The New Lounge

Kamala is in a helluva bind. She needs to be doing interviews, but then when she does, it’s awful.
Even though Ol Joe has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer, and has dealt with mental decline the last 5 plus years, the Ho has no excuse. This broad is just dumb and ignorant.

Nothing is working. Even the black savior, Obama, got his ass handed to him over chastising black men.

The Dems have cheating, so there’s still a good chance.
Obama has nerve I’ll give him that. Dude with a white mother, raised by white people in Hawaii, lecturing Black men on what it means to be Black in America Classic
