Saturday 12/14 Incredible Slate of Men's College Basketball Games

Clemson lost at home, Arizona lost, Louisville lost. NC State got crushed by Kansas (Dickinson kicked out again). Syracuse lost to freaking Georgetown. GT lost to Northwestern.

We need to go 18-2 in the ACC this year. This very well could be a 3-4 bid league, especially if UNC continues to struggle.

The New Lounge

You seem to have taken offense to what I said and are casting unreasonable anger my way. Without responding to the topic, I might add. Further proves my point that you wouldn't like the tone of how the CEO'S execution would have been brought up here. So it was weird for you to comment on the drones being brought up instead of the CEO. Without commenting on the drones. You're a control freak that wants every conversation to be had in the manner of your choosing.

I wouldn't call Neely a dog that needed to be put down. I would call him a threat to society who had a history of being violent against innocent people, mainly women. Though his mental illness was the contributing factor, it doesn't take away the fact that he was no innocent victim of a hate crime like the loons on the left want everyone to believe. Penny could very well have saved an innocent woman of being a victim of Neely's violence. And who knows how that would have ended for her. So he's a lot closer to being a hero than the guy who executed a father in cold blood. The left always chooses the wrong heroes.
If the verdict had come in before Nov 5 the Left would have probably pushed harder for another Michael Brown type fiasco with the riots and looting and whatnot, but I don’t think the public at large is as gullible as in the past. Been burned too many times: Brawley, Duke Lx, Emory fake slur scandal, Most of the BLM deaths excluding Floyd. So desperate to push their ‘ White People Bad, Black People Good’ lunacy that they literally have to just make sh- up
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duke football news

Manny is doing so good in recruiting I hope this Belicheck experiment don't change things.
If a coach’s personality makes a difference to a recruit and his family, Manny wins hands down. And hopefully not a shock to anyone, but Belichick is not universally liked. In fact, not liked much out of New England.

The New Lounge

Great examples. Here’s what I see: people on the right hailing Daniel Penny as a hero and Neely as a dog that needed to be put down. And people on the right treating Bryan Thompson as a hero whose very work ties in with Neely’s untreated illness.

I also see people on the right congratulating George Floyd on 4 years of sobriety.

IOW, people on both sides of the aisle make light of deaths and celebrate violence. Don’t pretend it’s only the other side.
You seem to have taken offense to what I said and are casting unreasonable anger my way. Without responding to the topic, I might add. Further proves my point that you wouldn't like the tone of how the CEO'S execution would have been brought up here. So it was weird for you to comment on the drones being brought up instead of the CEO. Without commenting on the drones. You're a control freak that wants every conversation to be had in the manner of your choosing.

I wouldn't call Neely a dog that needed to be put down. I would call him a threat to society who had a history of being violent against innocent people, mainly women. Though his mental illness was the contributing factor, it doesn't take away the fact that he was no innocent victim of a hate crime like the loons on the left want everyone to believe. Penny could very well have saved an innocent woman of being a victim of Neely's violence. And who knows how that would have ended for her. So he's a lot closer to being a hero than the guy who executed a father in cold blood. The left always chooses the wrong heroes.
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The New Lounge

this isn't making any news.... but among these pardons are some really awful people....and the sheer number being given clemency is incredible.
George W. Bush200
Barack Obama1927
Donald Trump237
Joe Biden8027
there are articles out in a day....from their own website

The New Lounge

I don't either. And what I am about to say is a general observation from what I have seen from the left's reactions to a couple of recent events. If they don't reflect your views, then great.

The people who are celebrating the CEO's murder and are making the killer out to be a hero, are from the left. So those are some people who probably see it as a left vs right thing. But not everyone on the left is doing that.

At the same time, many on the left have been outraged over Daniel Penny being found not guilty in his trial over the death Jordan Neely. They view the CEO's death to be, in a way, justified. But in no way do they view Neely's death to be justified. And AOC is one of the people who I am speaking of, so it's not just media click baiters or lunatics on Reddit. It goes as deep as elected politicians.
Great examples. Here’s what I see: people on the right hailing Daniel Penny as a hero and Neely as a dog that needed to be put down. And people on the right treating Bryan Thompson as a hero whose very work ties in with Neely’s untreated illness.

I also see people on the right congratulating George Floyd on 4 years of sobriety.

IOW, people on both sides of the aisle make light of deaths and celebrate violence. Don’t pretend it’s only the other side.

The New Lounge

I don’t see it as a left v right issue.
I don't either. And what I am about to say is a general observation from what I have seen from the left's reactions to a couple of recent events. If they don't reflect your views, then great.

The people who are celebrating the CEO's murder and are making the killer out to be a hero, are from the left. So those are some people who probably see it as a left vs right thing. But not everyone on the left is doing that.

At the same time, many on the left have been outraged over Daniel Penny being found not guilty in his trial over the death Jordan Neely. They view the CEO's death to be, in a way, justified. But in no way do they view Neely's death to be justified. And AOC is one of the people who I am speaking of, so it's not just media click baiters or lunatics on Reddit. It goes as deep as elected politicians.

The New Lounge

you probably wouldn't like the tone behind bringing up the execution of the CEO as the death cult on the left seem to be supportive of his murder.
I think I’m the only person from the left here and I’m not responsible for what anyone else says.

The crime itself is pretty unique and the reaction to it is pretty unprecedented.

I don’t see it as a left v right issue.
