The New Lounge

He’s Pres for all Americans not just the ones who vote Democrat. Calling half of America garbage is a new low even for Joe Sometimes you just have to take the L instead of spinning like a top like you’re his Press Secretary
That's funny. I'm the only person here who insists on referring to a president he doesn't like by the correct title anyway. Y'all claim Presidents Obama and Biden were "not [your] president" all the time.

It was a foolish thing for President Biden to say. It doesn't change that it was a response, like I said; doesn't change that y'all are total snowflakes for crying about it; doesn't change that I have not cried over the same thing hypothetically.

The New Lounge

I'm being far more honest than you. You've called President Biden far worse every day of his term, and now you're clutching your pearls over the word "garbage"?

I'm not answering your loaded, crap question.
He’s Pres for all Americans not just the ones who vote Democrat. Calling half of America garbage is a new low even for Joe Sometimes you just have to take the L instead of spinning like a top like you’re his Press Secretary

The New Lounge

This tells me that you are a sick fvcker who is okay with 11 year olds being subjected to this content. Not shocking.

So who is clutching their pearls?
I'm not taking that bait. You already thought that of me and nothing I have ever said has convinced you otherwise, so I'm not wasting my time.

Who is clutching their pearls here? You. And the other conservatives here. Just y'all. Entirely y'all.

The New Lounge

I'm not answering your loaded, crap question.
This tells me that you are a sick fvcker who is okay with 11 year olds being subjected to this content. Not shocking.

I'm being far more honest than you. You've called President Biden far worse every day of his term, and now you're clutching your pearls over the word "garbage"?

The leftists propaganda hacks spent 48 hours in a fake uproar about a joke. Even having people fake cry on television because of how so terribly racist Trump is because a comedian told a tasteless joke at his rally over the word "garbage".

Conservatives have embraced the insult, mocking it and laughing at it. Wearing trash bags and MAGA hats. Trump wore a garbage man vest to his rally, embracing it. I couldn't give two shits what a child diddling, frail old man says about Trump supporters. Didn't even pretend to.

So who is clutching their pearls?

The New Lounge

His response was directed at Trump supporters, not the particular person who made the joke. And as if it was something directly from Trump. You're not being clever here.
I'm being far more honest than you. You've called President Biden far worse every day of his term, and now you're clutching your pearls over the word "garbage"?

I'm not answering your loaded, crap question.

The New Lounge

You do realize what "response" means, don't you?

His response was directed at Trump supporters, not the particular person who made the joke. And as if it was something directly from Trump. You're not being clever here.

It's not about me, as I already told you. Y'all are already showing how emotionally compromised you are on this. I'm not going there.

You're sounding very politician like here. I asked you a simple question out of curiosity and you're acting like it would be too controversial to answer it. If your son was 11 and read a book from the school library depicting two boys sucking each other's dicks, would that upset you as a father?

The New Lounge

You do realize that the dumb joke was told by a comedian, not Trump and Biden's comment was as the sitting POTUS and not a joke, don’t you?
You do realize what "response" means, don't you?

So what crosses the line for you?
It's not about me, as I already told you. Y'all are already showing how emotionally compromised you are on this. I'm not going there.

The New Lounge

I said there's a wide range of development between the kid in your video and the oldest kids in the school.
I said it is between a kid and their parents what the kid reads.
I said it's no parent's right to decide what other people's kids get to read.

It's not grooming. Not at all.

I didn't weigh in on the book whatsoever.

Is it acceptable for this book to be in a public library? A bookstore? What's the difference between an 11-year-old activist seeking it out there?
So middle schoolers can’t check out books without parental consent? Do you think parents have time to read all of their kids’ books? Parents have no idea what their kids are checking out

The New Lounge

I said there's a wide range of development between the kid in your video and the oldest kids in the school.
I said it is between a kid and their parents what the kid reads.
I said it's no parent's right to decide what other people's kids get to read.

It's not grooming. Not at all.

I didn't weigh in on the book whatsoever.

Is it acceptable for this book to be in a public library? A bookstore? What's the difference between an 11-year-old activist seeking it out there?
One is funded by taxpayers. One is a private business
