He’s in that ivory tower bubble with these “scholars” so it’s no surprise that he cant look at this situation clearly. This is the elite; they create zilch, build zilch, and spend half their time either indoctrinating students or trying to sleep with loose co-eds
Libs like Datt can’t admit how conformist their side is. If one of these guys rated Trump or Reagan near the top they would be villified and bullied until they’re brought back to the rest of the herd of sheep
K-12 public schools an ivory tower? lol
As an educator with more than 28 years of experience, I've sent students to universities, community colleges, trade schools, the military, job programs, the job market, the arts, etc. I've long recognized and respected different forms of intelligence and that one-size does not fit all. I'm not at all exceptional in this regard when it comes to public school educators. We know how messed up standardized testing is. We know there's an appalling lack of vocational ed. We know and respect that a 4-year university education isn't for everyone.
I'm the last person here who would claim my multiple degrees are a sign of my intelligence. My perseverance, grit, and certain knowledge, certainly, but not my intelligence. And I'm confident of the intelligence I have while aware of its limits.
Ironically, it's conservatives intimidated by educational institutions who lack respect for different forms of intelligence. You inherently distrust and fear academic intelligence and therefore disrespect and insult it as a means of bringing it down to your level.
Teaching critical thinking is what leads to questioning the status quo, not indoctrination. Teach someone critical thinking skills and they stop obeying blindly. That's why conservative parents hate public school and that's why conservatives hate and fear academia.