• Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I hope I understood that incorrectly. I need to look into it. I've subbed at schools on a different calendar from mine. It's a pretty...
  • T
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    lol I'll take it. Thanks.
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    You're wrong and it's not even a good guess. Throw in office staff, bus drivers, IAs, and other classified staff, as well. I'm hardcore...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I am indeed one expert. I trust @dukesince91 is one, too. I don't think we're saying fundamentally different things; I think we have...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Well golly gee. Why them letters so dark here tell? I know ain’t done it. How you color dem words like dat?
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I added the bold. Let's see if you can figure out why it doesn't deserve any further comment.
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I agree. I don't see why you'd be so hostile toward others in education who devote their lives to kids. Is it because working in a...
  • DukeFBCoverage
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  • DukeFBCoverage
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  • The_Only_Blue
    After this, we gotta win Tuesday and shut this dude up. Hope Cooper dunk balls in face on him.
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Before I get accused of tokenizing this man. His race has absolutely nothing to do with the messages. Definitely worth the watch.
  • ConorONeill
    ConorONeill replied to the thread duke football news.
    Story on today's game.
  • ConorONeill
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    At Stanford the average salary for a professor is $ 237,000. Most people would consider that “raking it in”. Back then, even adjusted...
  • pisgah101
    pisgah101 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I miss him talking basketball.. for all our disagreements he was actually a great basketball poster
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    For the sake of giving credit where credit is due. The board owes gratitude to @Dattier and I say this without sarcasm. We used to have...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Comparing rock n roll which I assume wasn’t played inside the school building and cell phones which they carry with them at all times...
  • pisgah101
    pisgah101 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Yep I think it does!
  • pisgah101
    pisgah101 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Take from it what you will but it’s pretty easy to separate public educators into groups by who they associate with. I have a feeling...
  • M
    Nothing wrong at all with saying this. Now if we go into December with only 1 loss, maybe 2?, then that’s a different story.
  • LetsGoDuke83
    LetsGoDuke83 replied to the thread duke football news.
    mega win, state is tough
  • M
    Mac9192 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    This seems crazy, but hey, these times are crazy. The other rumors are some of the names mentioned in high positions.
  • K
    kingbluedevil replied to the thread duke football news.
    First time beating unc and state same season since 2013. I hope it does help and Diaz playing #14 Brown little more Kernersville NC...
