Winslow quietly killed it tonight!


Cameron Crazy
Aug 4, 2009
13 points, 6 steals, 7 assists, 6 rebounds! If he didn't blow three layups, he may have been Acc player of the week! Swiss army knife like stats!
It will be louder when he kills it on Saturday night!!
enjoying him too. but i do not like the way he goes hard to the floor so many times. he has got to learn to be more under control at the rim. we need him healthy!
He's been not-so-quietly killing it all season, even with a slump thrown in. Love the kid and love that he can fill the score sheet like that while flying under the radar. The Silent Assassin (in my best Raftery voice).
Love Winslow, except when he lies on the floor too long while play is going the other way.
Originally posted by BuckinElkin!!:

Love Winslow, except when he lies on the floor too long while play is going the other way.
Give the man a break. He's going full speed every second he is upright. He has to rest sometime.
Originally posted by BuckinElkin!!:

Love Winslow, except when he lies on the floor too long while play is going the other way.
There were a couple times last night where I thought he was slow to get back b/c he was favoring his ribs. There were definitely a couple plays last night where he looked a little uncomfortable with quick changes of directions / extreme extensions.
Originally posted by aah555:

Originally posted by BuckinElkin!!:

Love Winslow, except when he lies on the floor too long while play is going the other way.
There were a couple times last night where I thought he was slow to get back b/c he was favoring his ribs. There were definitely a couple plays last night where he looked a little uncomfortable with quick changes of directions / extreme extensions.
I believe you're right, Aah. He played very well, but there were several times when he didn't look right changing directions...and I don't think it was just the result of being out of control. He's a trooper though, 'cause he's definitely having some pain from them.


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