I can buy that, but he doesn't deserve to get trashed by some. No kid deserves to get trashed. Not a single kid that didn't have issues on this team. His happened to be an off shot more than we wanted.
Even with that, we would have lost many more without him.
Fair enough. He also doesn't get a pass for the bad performance, nor is it fair to asses equal blame to a kid that played well for not playing better.
In the UVA loss in CIS, TD played very well for most of the game. He had a stupid TO late that essentially sealed the loss. Even so, taken as a whole, he had a good game. In that same game, Allen shot poorly and was a defensive liability. He deserves more of the blame for that loss than TD, even considering TD's late brain flatulence.
In the KU game, TD was our best overall player. Either him or Bags (very efficient O offset by porous D to some extent). But TD had a bad TO late (bad recurring theme, I know) and missed an open 3. But those two bad plays should not count more than Allen going 2-9 from 3 (or GT going 2-10).
I don't like that people try to include any and all criticism of Allen under the umbrella of "personal attacks" or "trashing him." If I call a 5ft 2inch adult short, that isn't a personal attack, nor am I trashing that person. I am pointing out a reasonably deduced fact.
By saying that Allen played poorly in the KU loss, I am not trashing him. I am pointing out a fact.
Nor am I saying he was the solely responsible for the loss. I have gone to great lengths to point out the failings/failures of the rest of the team/coaching staff. But my, and other, posts wherein we assess GA's performance to be the most responsible for the loss are reasonable. We aren't trashing him.
He played very badly. Others were also bad, but he was worse. GT shot worse, but GT was a frosh and not expected to lead. Jav was bad on O, but we expect that and K should not have had him on the court. We expected Allen, as a senior star, to play (or at the absolute minimum, so SHOOT at a certain level. Him falling far short of that, and us pointing out that fact, does not rise to the level of "trashing." We are simply pointing out that the sky is, in fact, blue.