UK National Championsip Shirts

Good for the fine folks in Haiti. At least they got some much needed t-shirts. Ole Roy still doesn't give a damn about them, though....what he was dealing with was a catastrophe, not the poor people in Haiti.
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At least someone got something good out of it.
Today I saw an article about UK jumping over Duke, and taking back the #1 spot in the 2015 recruiting class. The t-shirts are being printed up now. I feel good for the UK fans...they'll finally have a t-shirt they won't have to send out of the country.

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Why didn't they just wear them and then believe. Isn't that what they eventually do with every other aspect of their lives? I mean, nothing against the Haitians or anything like that.
Good for the fine folks in Haiti. At least they got some much needed t-shirts. Ole Roy still doesn't give a damn about them, though....what he was dealing with was a catastrophe, not the poor people in Haiti.

Poor old HOF Coach Roy Williams. It's just one tragedy and catastrophe after another. He brought it on himself. He recruited all of them Every last one of them. Now he is squirming. Behind on recruiting. The media and everyone else is picking on him and making it bigger than it really is . You know in his world it might be indeed a tragedy and a catastrophe. OFC
Buffalo Bills still the best dynasty in sports in the 90s.
the Braves give them a nice run for that title. I had a history professor in college that said some tribe in Africa thinks the Atlanta Braves are gods hahaha!