THR acknowledges we are better


All American
Oct 5, 2011
Reading a few of the THR threads, we were the better team, K is better than Roy, and we have the better players. Just glad they can actually admit it.

It'll change if they win their first account tourney game. But glad they acknowledge it for now
Don't worry they'll sleep on it (if they can sleep), then they'll break the game down frame by frame to show how Duke got all the calls, and it'll be the refs cheated them usual.

bs, duke is the better team. no shame in admitting it.
Originally posted by tilador:
bs, duke is the better team. no shame in admitting it.
There you go again tilador, showing class. Now if some of the rest of your buddies at THR would follow suit.
The tide turns sometimes. When hanbrough was there, they were better than us, we played them tough and beat them, but they had NBA lottery picks. Now we have the lottery picks, we should enjoy it while we have it.
Originally posted by tilador:
bs, duke is the better team. no shame in admitting it.
I think we can all agree on this but we can also agree what a class and thoughtful thing UNC did for Coach K before the game. I think it shows how much class both programs have for each other. If there was no Dean to push Coach K to be better, then I'm not sure we see K keep his competitive fire this long.
It's sobering over there. While everyone overreacts to losses (incl. us), I think they have finally seen their team for what it is. With that said, I think they could be very good next year.
Originally posted by Devilicious:

Originally posted by tilador:
bs, duke is the better team. no shame in admitting it.
I think we can all agree on this but we can also agree what a class and thoughtful thing UNC did for Coach K before the game. I think it shows how much class both programs have for each other. If there was no Dean to push Coach K to be better, then I'm not sure we see K keep his competitive fire this long.
And for that reason alone I still think Roy will right the ship when all is said and done. He looks up to the GOAT and I am sure wants to be able to compete with him on his level. With that said, I would not be surprised to see them Saturday night in Greensboro. Although, I do think Louisville and UVA are destined to play again come Friday night and I would rather see that game. However, I wouldn't be shocked to see Carolina there or make it to the sweet sixteen. They are better than their record and I think can make some noise this month. I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Roy should have almost all of his guys back and experience is huge if you can get it these days. Duke has one senior and one junior and where would they be without them for example. They need more shooting though. The inside game is really good. If they could surround Johnson and Meeks with the type of guys Duke can surround Okafor dangerous would they be? Their season isn't over yet either.

Duke is the better team this year though. I think even the most bias UNC fan knows that deep down.
Originally posted by HeLooks2MuchLikeDave:
It's sobering over there. While everyone overreacts to losses (incl. us), I think they have finally seen their team for what it is. With that said, I think they could be very good next year.
I'm not sure the bunch they have now would be very good. They'd be better, but I still think they'd be lacking the same ingredients to be very good. They don't have shooters or two dynamic guards.

I actually think UNC has played two of their better games against us. We all remember how much they dominated us in the paint the first time around while played erratic....and w/out Tyus' theatrics we don't win that game. Then last night we go a quarter of the game without scoring a basket, they make eight out of 16 three's, and every one of their 13 FTs yet the game was never closer than five in the final six minutes.

Last year I thought we were better than them but it was an argument. This year I think it's more plain to see.

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