What a night ! So. My daughter and I cut out at 10:30 am from the Crystal Coast, picked up my buddy Adam in Newport then my buddy Mike in Richlands. US 40 was smooth sailing. We arrived at Duke and headed to the Bryan Center to stock up on Duke Gear first thing. Sooo much has changed on campus in just a short year. I rounded the sweater rack and bumped into Cameron Reddish, our 2018 recruit. We hoarded our new Duke shirts, hats sweaters and jackets and then hauled it all back to the car so we wouldn't have to lug it around the whole trip. We walked back to the Bryan Center after walking around a bit and letting Natalie get some pics of the Chapel. We hit the Skillet about 3:30, we didn't eat lunch and were starving. This new West Union dining area is amazing. Huge glass front facility with several great restaurants. We sat down and I suddenly spotted Zion Williamson. I told Natalie there's Zion. She said DAD. Look who's sitting right there. It was Jon Scheyer, with Reddish and his family, Zion and Tre Jones! Jon was showing them a good time and yep, great food! We got up and got our food and ran into Skeelow. We sat down and in comes gottagonow and his wife. Right Behind them QCDukie and his son. Then dukehokie and his wife. We shared board stories, laughed and ate a great meal, this place The Skillet has home cooked food cooked in huge cast iron skillets. Fried Chicken, pulled pork, collards, green beans, rice, Mac n cheese, Apple cobbler, and tons of others. I got up and bumped into Zion. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "Hey big man, I hope it's Duke for you." He let out a big smile and nodded his head yes. We cut out for Krzyzewskiville , my friend Adam was anxious being his first time to Cameron Indoor. Kville was booming with music and students. The first big change hit us. The security. To get into Cameron now was like boarding an airplane. The TSA agents were at the ready lol. We had to put our goods in a tray, walk through metal detectors and get wanded to enter the Museum. It was kinda strange but no problem. After the museum, I chatted with dukehokie and his new wife a bit then we went outside and schooled some boys at a game of cornhole. The doors finally opened and into Cameron we went! Yoyo guy kicked much ass! The Intros were epic. The teams gel looks to be complete. Now, let's talk team. Tatum. Damn! That conversation earlier this week about who would you rather have Tatum or Justin Jackson over at THR is pretty much a comic book after what I saw last night. This kid is like an NBA player out there playing with the college kids. He's smooth, confident, strong and long. I love K got this young man. Stud to the tenth power. Luke. He looked great. His shot is downy soft. He's got a better handle this year and he's tough. Amile. He will be amazing on the boards this year. His determination for rebounds has become Rodmanesque , love it. Frank. This kid is contagious, the players love him. He's fast, smooth and has a nice shot and can really pic the right spots to penetrate. When he does it explosive. Grayson had an off night. He was frustrated big time and it showed. They double teamed him a lot. His play against Amile pissed me off greatly. He was frustrated and risked an injury that would have killed us there. I saw him in the congrats lineup at the end of the game hug Amile and he looked him in the eyes and said I'm so sorry man. I love Javin! He's an awesome defender, works hard at everything and gives 100% every second. He will be a big time player down the road.Giles had me feeling fantastic! I watched him all night, he walked around like he had zero pain, even was dancing with knees bent out on the floor. I'm highly optimistic for his quick return guys! It was hard to see what product we have due to the starters were split up and playing each other, but I feel quite certain this is a juggernaut of a team come conference play! Saw Toppscoach after the game! It was nice to meet you as well sir! GO DUKE !!!
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