I debated myself as to posting this thread, as earlier last year I had some health problems and I spoke of them with some friends on here that email me from time to time. At that time they asked if I wanted to have a thread for me, and I said I would rather deal with it privately. This time I decided to post it and that way everyone that wanted to know why I've been missing, and perhaps will be missing a little more in the near future. So here goes.
I went to see my orthopaedic surgeon on Dec. 30 about having more surgery for some chronic shoulder and neck problems. Everything went well (I was having one of the best days physical wise that I've had in a long time). I had many chores to do and went to bed at around 5 am on the 31st (I usually get to bed around 3 to 3:30 am). I woke up a couple of minutes before my alarm went off at 9:45 am with a good bit of pain in my left shoulder and arm (that shoulder bothers me some anyway though), but more importantly I was quite nauseated, and when I got up to my feet I was a little unsure of myself too. I had tightness in my chest with, very uncomfortable, but not intense pain. Some shortness of breath and generally just not feeling very well. I got my wife up from bed and proceeded to get her dressed and to prepare her breakfast. Then I went outside to feed up my feral cats (that are about 250-300 feet from my house. Going down was unpleasant, but coming back up (about a 15 degree grade) was very difficult. I called one of my daughters and told her I might be having a bit of a problem, and she came over. I agreed that I need to head to the ER, but before I would leave I wanted to send off a check for my wife's and I property taxes.
She was not amused, but knew that I wasn't going to go until I put the check in the mail...at the post office (don't trust the mailbox).
At the ER they got around to me pretty quickly and preformed the usual stuff for possible cardiac events. They gave me some nitro (and I think some nitro patches) and I felt much better. I missed the Duke/Boston College game as I was still in the ER until after it ended. After a few hours...wow...I'm being a long winded here, so let me cut to the chase, I was put in ICU. I stayed there until they transported me on the 2nd to another hospital, in another city to have a heart cath. I had the cath the afternoon of the 2nd, and a stent was placed in an artery that had a 100% blockage. I was able to leave to come home on the 3rd. And I was doing pretty good, but there are some complication caused by the drugs they've put me on, and I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow morning.
It's been an emotional roller coaster, but I feel very, very fortunate that I may still have a little more time left to take care of my wife and all my critters (as my daughters are more than capable of taking of themselves...even though I worry much over them). In April when I had problems my wife and daughters were concerned, but they were confident I would be okay. Not this time. My children had their hands full taking care of my wife as she broke down from all of this (for the ones that don't know my wife is a stroke victim and a bad stroke it was.) She ended up needing medical attention but is now home with me and doing well considering all things. I pray that God will give me the strength to be able to fulfill my purpose on earth and to take care of what means more to me than life itself.
Now, on to the lighter side of things. I watched a little bit of the Duke/Miami game (thank goodness Duke showed who is the best team in the country). I've tried to stay away from some of the more stressful things, so I didn't even realize that my Vikings beat the Saints. Let me rephrase that, that DJ's Vikings won (but he's gracious enough to let a NC country boy rent them every once in awhile).
And then I found out the Heels lost...to GT...at home...wow...I don't have enough room to put all the smiley faces for that!
Okay, if anyone is still with me after this DSouth windbag post, I want to thank everyone on here for putting up with me all these years, and maybe, just maybe (if the Lord is willing) a few more. I'm planning on posting on here depending on how I'm feeling and if I have the time. I've got appointments by the bushel load, and cardiac rehab coming up soon too. I wanted to make a UNC meme, but after writing this autobiography I don't have the time.
But don't worry, if I still have breath I will be back and I'll bring it with all my fiber against those varmitts at Chapel Hill.
I went to see my orthopaedic surgeon on Dec. 30 about having more surgery for some chronic shoulder and neck problems. Everything went well (I was having one of the best days physical wise that I've had in a long time). I had many chores to do and went to bed at around 5 am on the 31st (I usually get to bed around 3 to 3:30 am). I woke up a couple of minutes before my alarm went off at 9:45 am with a good bit of pain in my left shoulder and arm (that shoulder bothers me some anyway though), but more importantly I was quite nauseated, and when I got up to my feet I was a little unsure of myself too. I had tightness in my chest with, very uncomfortable, but not intense pain. Some shortness of breath and generally just not feeling very well. I got my wife up from bed and proceeded to get her dressed and to prepare her breakfast. Then I went outside to feed up my feral cats (that are about 250-300 feet from my house. Going down was unpleasant, but coming back up (about a 15 degree grade) was very difficult. I called one of my daughters and told her I might be having a bit of a problem, and she came over. I agreed that I need to head to the ER, but before I would leave I wanted to send off a check for my wife's and I property taxes.
At the ER they got around to me pretty quickly and preformed the usual stuff for possible cardiac events. They gave me some nitro (and I think some nitro patches) and I felt much better. I missed the Duke/Boston College game as I was still in the ER until after it ended. After a few hours...wow...I'm being a long winded here, so let me cut to the chase, I was put in ICU. I stayed there until they transported me on the 2nd to another hospital, in another city to have a heart cath. I had the cath the afternoon of the 2nd, and a stent was placed in an artery that had a 100% blockage. I was able to leave to come home on the 3rd. And I was doing pretty good, but there are some complication caused by the drugs they've put me on, and I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow morning.
It's been an emotional roller coaster, but I feel very, very fortunate that I may still have a little more time left to take care of my wife and all my critters (as my daughters are more than capable of taking of themselves...even though I worry much over them). In April when I had problems my wife and daughters were concerned, but they were confident I would be okay. Not this time. My children had their hands full taking care of my wife as she broke down from all of this (for the ones that don't know my wife is a stroke victim and a bad stroke it was.) She ended up needing medical attention but is now home with me and doing well considering all things. I pray that God will give me the strength to be able to fulfill my purpose on earth and to take care of what means more to me than life itself.
Now, on to the lighter side of things. I watched a little bit of the Duke/Miami game (thank goodness Duke showed who is the best team in the country). I've tried to stay away from some of the more stressful things, so I didn't even realize that my Vikings beat the Saints. Let me rephrase that, that DJ's Vikings won (but he's gracious enough to let a NC country boy rent them every once in awhile).
Okay, if anyone is still with me after this DSouth windbag post, I want to thank everyone on here for putting up with me all these years, and maybe, just maybe (if the Lord is willing) a few more. I'm planning on posting on here depending on how I'm feeling and if I have the time. I've got appointments by the bushel load, and cardiac rehab coming up soon too. I wanted to make a UNC meme, but after writing this autobiography I don't have the time.