OT: Isn't it odd or maybe not that our threads can


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Mar 3, 2006
get off the original topic so quickly. Any thoughts as to why. We can have a topic to discuss and within a page or less the discussion is completely something different or it is hijacked. Just another thread that I'm sure will turn into a something else or just did quickly. OFC
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I think some posters hijack threads just because they don’t care that what they’re posting in the thread doesn’t have anything to do with the thread topic.
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I dont think Hurt can play the 5 next year. I hear Coleman is now 7 foot 2 and 300 pounds.
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hart eats a lot of it. ;) LOL OFC

Thats right on Sky! I am glad Mac referenced the subject! Summertime coming- give me a tall Cheerwine, and an UNDERWOOD DEVILED HAM SANDWICH w/sliced tomato and mayo! Sky you gotta try it! OFC
You don't want to get in a debate about that. It's a thread all to itself. :) OFC
I clearly stated it’s not debatable and included /thread.

I started feeding a squirrel. Now he comes to my window to beg for peanuts.
This stay at home order sucks re: food options if you don’t live in a big city and can order food from any type of restaurant and have it delivered. I can choose from Dominos and...that’s it.

Yeah, it aint' no fun for sure, FTB!

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I think it’s just the nature of general conversation. If we were all sitting in a room talking in person, we would never talk for a long time about one subject and one only, and someone will always make a comment about the opinion on the thread topic, which will remind someone if something, and their comment will remind someone else of something, and so on. Just the fact that it happens in almost every single thread tells you that it’s inevitable
Like how the Tape thread is about Hurt and Moore and small ball now haha. Actually now it's about Cam.