New Motto for UNC needed after scandal


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Apr 14, 2010
Mods please allow this to post at least for awhile so we can all get some of this hurt out of our system. For me the cheating scandals final decision result hurts more their recent NCAA Title because they at least had to outscore the opponent to win that. Even with them winning the natty we at least had a good amount of hope they wouldn't escape the scandal and would learn a lesson in humility if nothing else.

It hurts to look at any tv, newspaper or any other media or news source without continuously being reminded of the pain. With all this said I think a new moto should be adopted by us for the cheaters.

I offer the following as examples in hope many more ideas are posted.

1 UNC, where class attendance is optional
2 Become a Heels fan, where we put winning above integrity every day.
3 UNC Nation, where we have no rules or test.
4 Tar Heel Country, where cheating is not only allowed but also rewarded.
5 UNC, where we beat the NCAA everyday

more needed please:
Mods please allow this to post at least for awhile so we can all get some of this hurt out of our system. For me the cheating scandals final decision result hurts more their recent NCAA Title because they at least had to outscore the opponent to win that. Even with them winning the natty we at least had a good amount of hope they wouldn't escape the scandal and would learn a lesson in humility if nothing else.

It hurts to look at any tv, newspaper or any other media or news source without continuously being reminded of the pain. With all this said I think a new moto should be adopted by us for the cheaters.

I offer the following as examples in hope many more ideas are posted.

1 UNC, where class attendance is optional
2 Become a Heels fan, where we put winning above integrity every day.
3 UNC Nation, where we have no rules or test.
4 Tar Heel Country, where cheating is not only allowed but also rewarded.
5 UNC, where we beat the NCAA everyday

more needed please:

Don’t like class? We don’t either! The New Carolina Way....@ UNC-Chapel Hill
“Come to UNC to play one of the money making sports and we’ll get some to do your for you in fake classes with little to no work and you’ll get an A no matter what you turn in so that you’ll retain your eligibility and you won’t have to worry about any punishment from the NCAA”
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What a recruiting tool they have now. "Son we got a course down here where you don't go to class, don't take any test, no papers due, no final exam. All you have to do is register for the class and it's an A+. " It's called the history of unc basketball and all you need to know is the starting lineup of the current team you are playing with and we do have tutors for that. One little problem is it has to be open to all students and they have to know that also. But that's their problem. " OFC
What a recruiting tool they have now. "Son we got a course down here where you don't go to class, don't take any test, no papers due, no final exam. All you have to do is register for the class and it's an A+. " It's called the history of unc basketball and all you need to know is the starting lineup of the current team you are playing with and we do have tutors for that. One little problem is it has to be open to all students and they have to know that also. But that's their problem. " OFC
How to get away with Cheating, intro by Jay Bilas
I think dirt needs to come up with a new fight song. OFC

Well, how about this new logo? Seems it gets right to the heart of the matter imo.


"We are UNC, where cheating has been bred for 20 years, started by Dean and continued by Roy"
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UNCheat: A higher education institution where learning is optional.
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