NC State coaches

I think the poster is simply saying we have a better chance of having an uninterrupted season with vaccinated players. Most of those arguing here are arguing about whether or not the NCAA should be enforcing the rules the way they are, or if there should be any of these rules at all... I don't see the the poster who started this thread backing up those rules, just stating that the best way avoid having games canceled or players regularly missing games is to have them vaccinated. Seems like two different arguments going on here to me. For the success of our season (leaving the damn politics out of it), I don't disagree with him.
Thanks, it was not my intent to involve the rules and BS of the NCAA. You can never predict what they will do, or not do. Just that had NC States' players been vaccinated, they might still be in the tourney today. On the NC State coach, he owns this one. . Duke has done the right thing.
Thanks, it was not my intent to involve the rules and BS of the NCAA. You can never predict what they will do, or not do. Just that had NC States' players been vaccinated, they might still be in the tourney today. On the NC State coach, he owns this one. . Duke has done the right thing.
I'm not sure the coach makes the decision who gets the vaccine. The AD or higher probably makes the call.
I am with you and my point about survival rates is that using that metric doesn't tell the whole story. FDR "survived" polio but I doubt anyone would say that given that, we should not vax against polio. They are finding that even asymptotic people that there are long term brain and lung consequences. So, I would not be so blasé about the risks to athletes.
Yet you fail to mention long term issues with viruses as common as rhinoviruses, influenza, and pneumonia.....😂
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Mostly agree with Tim on separate points being argued.
Timo, I have to disagree with you on the "best for you" point. Unless you are so allergic and or immune compromised that getting the vaccine/any vaccine would be too big a risk, then getting vaccinated is best for you, everyone else, your country, and the world. Just like wearing a seat belt, which also used to considered government overreach.
Lol, what is the amount of studies data we have on seatbelts versus a vaccine that is still in trial?
You get vaccinated because it is the safest option we have for ourselves and others. That concept remains, independent of whatever the NCAA does or doesn't do.
From a team perspective, you get vaccinated because it gives you and your team the greatest chance of success.
How many people on this board were batching in March about the #@$%#s who exposed our hoops team, ending our season?
Safest option? Based on what, exactly? What long term studies are you seeing that we aren’t?
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Don't really think I am going out on a limb here saying when you are looking at an acute crisis, you look at short-term data/interventions.

Hundreds of millions of doses administered already has given virtually an unheard of amount of data in regard to a here and now acute crisis/disease. Doses administered across different age groups, gender, ethnic groups, socioeconomic levels, in multiple countries etc.
You claim, without any backup I have ever seen, to be an expert. Well, an expert would know that an Emergency Authorization is not a random, fickle concept. Emergency Authorizations are granted when the data/information available overwhelmingly show that not doing so would be dangerous and unethical. It would be harmful not to authorize. Additionally, the research on these mrna vaccines goes back to the mid 90s. The lipid coating that allows it to be successfully delivered was perfected in 1975. These vaccines were not miracle Hail Mary shots in the dark. They are anything but that.
Last, there is no indication that any long-term effect from any of the vaccines would be worse than long term effects from being exposed to the virus. Not in the data and not in any scientific sense.
Don't really think I am going out on a limb here saying when you are looking at an acute crisis, you look at short-term data/interventions.

Hundreds of millions of doses administered already has given virtually an unheard of amount of data in regard to a here and now acute crisis/disease. Doses administered across different age groups, gender, ethnic groups, socioeconomic levels, in multiple countries etc.
You claim, without any backup I have ever seen, to be an expert. Well, an expert would know that an Emergency Authorization is not a random, fickle concept. Emergency Authorizations are granted when the data/information available overwhelmingly show that not doing so would be dangerous and unethical. It would be harmful not to authorize. Additionally, the research on these mrna vaccines goes back to the mid 90s. The lipid coating that allows it to be successfully delivered was perfected in 1975. These vaccines were not miracle Hail Mary shots in the dark. They are anything but that.
Last, there is no indication that any long-term effect from any of the vaccines would be worse than long term effects from being exposed to the virus. Not in the data and not in any scientific sense.
i thought the vaccines were start to finish in less than year?????
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The State coaches knew the rules. I'm not going to argue if they're good rules, but they should have insisted upon 100% vaccinations
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Don't really think I am going out on a limb here saying when you are looking at an acute crisis, you look at short-term data/interventions.

Hundreds of millions of doses administered already has given virtually an unheard of amount of data in regard to a here and now acute crisis/disease. Doses administered across different age groups, gender, ethnic groups, socioeconomic levels, in multiple countries etc.
You claim, without any backup I have ever seen, to be an expert. Well, an expert would know that an Emergency Authorization is not a random, fickle concept. Emergency Authorizations are granted when the data/information available overwhelmingly show that not doing so would be dangerous and unethical. It would be harmful not to authorize. Additionally, the research on these mrna vaccines goes back to the mid 90s. The lipid coating that allows it to be successfully delivered was perfected in 1975. These vaccines were not miracle Hail Mary shots in the dark. They are anything but that.
Last, there is no indication that any long-term effect from any of the vaccines would be worse than long term effects from being exposed to the virus. Not in the data and not in any scientific sense.
Nice subjective reply - again what long term data are you looking at? Just answer that.

Otherwise keep “going out on a limb”, a weak, subjective limb.
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Don't really think I am going out on a limb here saying when you are looking at an acute crisis, you look at short-term data/interventions.

Hundreds of millions of doses administered already has given virtually an unheard of amount of data in regard to a here and now acute crisis/disease. Doses administered across different age groups, gender, ethnic groups, socioeconomic levels, in multiple countries etc.
You claim, without any backup I have ever seen, to be an expert. Well, an expert would know that an Emergency Authorization is not a random, fickle concept. Emergency Authorizations are granted when the data/information available overwhelmingly show that not doing so would be dangerous and unethical. It would be harmful not to authorize. Additionally, the research on these mrna vaccines goes back to the mid 90s. The lipid coating that allows it to be successfully delivered was perfected in 1975. These vaccines were not miracle Hail Mary shots in the dark. They are anything but that.
Last, there is no indication that any long-term effect from any of the vaccines would be worse than long term effects from being exposed to the virus. Not in the data and not in any scientific sense.
“Overwhelmingly”, another strong subjective word, that’s clinically and technically incorrect here. Ps emergency “use” authorizations are a much lower scaled/vetted rollout, both in treatment and other areas (like sequencing) for that matter. Next you’ll tell me pcr assays are “highly effective” for covid19 testing 😂 And “lipid coat”? Lol, that has little to do with anything we are discussing - your attempt of being an expert in pharma/research/clinical are pretty cute.

But I’ll wait for that data you’re looking at. It’s so effective and safe it’s already approved and certainly not in any review phase. Oh, wait, never mind....

“Last”, I’ll leave you with this, since you forgot a key word, a mishap for an expert like yourself, unless you meant Expanded Access 😂:

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Never, ever claimed to be an expert. The concepts I discussed, really don't require a whole lot of expertise.
Of course their is no long term data. Never said there was. What I basically said, or tried to say, is there is nothing to indicate that there would be long term side effects of the vaccine that are anywhere close to the already observed side effect of infection. Even asymptomatic infections are resulting in worse "side effects" than observed in the vaccinated population. Hence, it is safer to get vaccinated than not get vaccinated. My original point. Sure, this rests on the assumption that everyone would eventuslly get exposed . Is that too big a limb?
My mentioning of the lipid coating was to address the common argument that "we don't even know what is in it." Yeah, in many ways, we do. It is made from stuff we have been using and studying for decades. Never a guarantee, but not the mystery cure many think it is. Has mrna been used in a vaccine before, no. But again, they have been working on it since the mid 90s.
The scientists were ready for this virus and came up with vaccines that will decrease death and suffering in the short-term and long-term.
We are missing the forrest From the trees Here. People under 75, and in good health are really not at serious risk. When you get down to people under 25 and in EXCELLENT health? They’re at virtually zero risk, and that’s being nice. Those people do not need the vaccine. This is just straight facts using the data That we’ve built up throughout this pandemic. What else we know is that people that Have already had it have the natural Immunity and probably better natural antibodies than the vaccine.

Saying a freaking baseball coach should force these 18-22 year old ATHLETES to get a vaccine that they don’t need, is really a hot take. This is going around in a circle here. If you’re scared of covid, it is YOUR responsibility to take the action, not the person That isn’t at risk. If you are vaccinated then why the hell Do you care if someone else isn’t? Honestly.
We are missing the forrest From the trees Here. People under 75, and in good health are really not at serious risk. When you get down to people under 25 and in EXCELLENT health? They’re at virtually zero risk, and that’s being nice. Those people do not need the vaccine. This is just straight facts using the data That we’ve built up throughout this pandemic. What else we know is that people that Have already had it have the natural Immunity and probably better natural antibodies than the vaccine.

Saying a freaking baseball coach should force these 18-22 year old ATHLETES to get a vaccine that they don’t need, is really a hot take. This is going around in a circle here. If you’re scared of covid, it is YOUR responsibility to take the action, not the person That isn’t at risk. If you are vaccinated then why the hell Do you care if someone else isn’t? Honestly.
I guess the fact that these zero-risk athletes could pass the virus on to people over 75 is irrelevant to you?
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I guess the fact that these zero-risk athletes could pass the virus on to people over 75 is irrelevant to you?
Those 75 year olds should be the ones getting the vaccine then right? Since they’re the ones at risk. And just as a fun fact, something like 80+% of seniors over 65 have already gotten both doses.
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Never, ever claimed to be an expert. The concepts I discussed, really don't require a whole lot of expertise.
Of course their is no long term data. Never said there was. What I basically said, or tried to say, is there is nothing to indicate that there would be long term side effects of the vaccine that are anywhere close to the already observed side effect of infection. Even asymptomatic infections are resulting in worse "side effects" than observed in the vaccinated population. Hence, it is safer to get vaccinated than not get vaccinated. My original point. Sure, this rests on the assumption that everyone would eventuslly get exposed . Is that too big a limb?
Yes, that’s a huge limb. We are nowhere near knowing long term data (and effects) of these drugs. Do I want them to work and be safe? Damn right I do, but I won’t refute science, and more importantly time, and make a subjective call of safety.
My mentioning of the lipid coating was to address the common argument that "we don't even know what is in it." Yeah, in many ways, we do. It is made from stuff we have been using and studying for decades. Never a guarantee, but not the mystery cure many think it is. Has mrna been used in a vaccine before, no. But again, they have been working on it since the mid 90s.
The scientists were ready for this virus and came up with vaccines that will decrease death and suffering in the short-term and long-term.
It’s not what’s in them, it is how they work that could be a concern. You have to remember that we are dealing with the same cdc that allowed, for first time EVER, a secondary subjective COD. It went from dying from covid to dying with covid all being under the same bucket. Am I saying covid wasn’t dangerous? Of course not, but they padded the counts nicely here in the States. Problem is, that’s political heresy to some. Screw politics though, science and data (and regulation) don’t lie in isolation.
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I don't disagree with the potential for long term side effects. Heck, I am a firm believer that even hind sight isn't 20/20. What I believe, and am suggesting, is that, at this point, the overall effects of natural exposure are worse than any side effects of vaccination.
Timo, I disagree with you for several reasons. Some people can't, or have medical reasons not to get vaccinated. Additionally, immune compromised people tend to incur a lower level of immunity when vaccinated. Last, the elderly you speak of tend to be susceptible to breakthrough infections. So yeah, I do think we have some social responsibility to help protect those people. Then, there is the issue of variants. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that the lower the vaccination rate, the greater the chances are for variants to develop. And, maybe I am wrong again, but I don't see how more variants make us safer.
I don't disagree with the potential for long term side effects. Heck, I am a firm believer that even hind sight isn't 20/20. What I believe, and am suggesting, is that, at this point, the overall effects of natural exposure are worse than any side effects of vaccination.
Timo, I disagree with you for several reasons. Some people can't, or have medical reasons not to get vaccinated. Additionally, immune compromised people tend to incur a lower level of immunity when vaccinated. Last, the elderly you speak of tend to be susceptible to breakthrough infections. So yeah, I do think we have some social responsibility to help protect those people. Then, there is the issue of variants. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that the lower the vaccination rate, the greater the chances are for variants to develop. And, maybe I am wrong again, but I don't see how more variants make us safer.
It’s not the responsibility of you to worry about whether I get infected with a virus and what outcome it may or may not have. Your responsibility if you want to call it that is to practice common courtesy such as don’t cough in someone’s face. Don’t sneeze with out covering it. Don’t go out if you’re feeling sick. It’s not your responsibility to go get some unapproved by the fda vaccine because you’re doing it for some stranger for some virtuous greater good that may or may not exist. The point I’m making is there’s a difference between talking facts and hypotheticals.

Here are the facts. Kids do not need to get vaccinated. I’d argue that it is much more harmful to your children that they do get vaccinated than they do not. Last year, according to the CDC, 868 kids (0-17) died of the flu. 248 kids died WITH covid, not of, but with. The CDC then charts 35% adjustment for overestimating for covid, and for that same age group, 162 kids died with covid. Why exactly are we going to force injections into perfectly healthy people again? Oh because of this mythical super spreader event that they cause

What about the effects of myocarditis that we’ve seen from vaccinations, especially young people? Do they not count? Heart inflammation etc. We have got to stop this fear mongering, living in totally freaked out society.

There are literally cvs and Walgreens, Publix pharmacies giving out shots to literally anyone who wants one. There is no responsibility left to anyone that wants a shot. If they want it they can get it. And if you’re immune compromised, I’m sorry to hear that, but that’s a you problem. I feel for you, but i can’t stop living my life, you need to adjust how you live based on what’s best for you. Covid and all the variants aren't the only things out there to worry about.

The DATA tells us. KIDS DO NOT NEED TO GET VAXXED. Baseball coaches shouldn’t be in charge of that. NC STATE GOT PLAYED.
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I don't disagree with the potential for long term side effects. Heck, I am a firm believer that even hind sight isn't 20/20. What I believe, and am suggesting, is that, at this point, the overall effects of natural exposure are worse than any side effects of vaccination.
Timo, I disagree with you for several reasons. Some people can't, or have medical reasons not to get vaccinated. Additionally, immune compromised people tend to incur a lower level of immunity when vaccinated. Last, the elderly you speak of tend to be susceptible to breakthrough infections. So yeah, I do think we have some social responsibility to help protect those people. Then, there is the issue of variants. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that the lower the vaccination rate, the greater the chances are for variants to develop. And, maybe I am wrong again, but I don't see how more variants make us safer.
Glad to see we are aligning somewhat, but one area I firmly disagree is that these vaccines are better off than the virus itself. That can’t be said for everyone, as some of us take necessary precautions and do things to help our body, not hurt it. This leads to a whole different convo: America is arguably one of the most unhealthy countries in history, and instead of addressing it, we just look for reactive magical solutions to help....
Ps - the “booster shot theory is conspiracy” statement is officially hosed. Biontech/Pfizer want booster shots already. Insanity.

Lets all put politics aside here: they’ve haven’t made as much money as they planned, so the fear tactics are now ramping up. Get ready for more potential lockdowns and (useless) public mask wearing in the fall/winter. They won’t stop until they make their sought out profits and we get the great reset further in motion. Oh, and maybe help prevent disease somewhere along the way....
Ps - the “booster shot theory is conspiracy” statement is officially hosed. Biontech/Pfizer want booster shots already. Insanity.

Lets all put politics aside here: they’ve haven’t made as much money as they planned, so the fear tactics are now ramping up. Get ready for more potential lockdowns and (useless) public mask wearing in the fall/winter. They won’t stop until they make their sought out profits and we get the great reset further in motion. Oh, and maybe help prevent disease somewhere along the way....
I read that yesterday as well.
Glad to see we are aligning somewhat, but one area I firmly disagree is that these vaccines are better off than the virus itself. That can’t be said for everyone, as some of us take necessary precautions and do things to help our body, not hurt it. This leads to a whole different convo: America is arguably one of the most unhealthy countries in history, and instead of addressing it, we just look for reactive magical solutions to help....
Instead of pushing Americans to get healthier- workout, eat less garbage, they stuffed us in our homes, closed gyms and kept the drive Thrus open. But yeah take this non fda approved vaccine and shut up.
I read that yesterday as well.
They’ve been pushing for a bit as has ModernizeRNA aka Moderna. Glad the press is actually bringing it up, otherwise people like us are just “crazy”.

the best part? There’s a risk some, in this case with Pfizer, some could get sick if they do not get boosted. Life-threatening sick? Doubtful, but still sick, like you can (and I did personally) when you don’t complete a hep-b series. I was given a waiver as the second shot gave me serious allergic reaction, only thing I’ve ever had an issue with.
They’ve been pushing for a bit as has ModernizeRNA aka Moderna. Glad the press is actually bringing it up, otherwise people like us are just “crazy”.

the best part? There’s a risk some, in this case with Pfizer, some could get sick if they do not get boosted. Life-threatening sick? Doubtful, but still sick, like you can (and I did personally) when you don’t complete a hep-b series. I was given a waiver as the second shot gave me serious allergic reaction, only thing I’ve ever had an issue with.
This is where i go back to people need to calm down, think for themselves. Last time i looked at new cases was a week or two ago. It was like 2500 in the USA. 2500 out of a country with 340M people. Let’s slow down. Let’s practice better and healthier living habits rather than the hysteria of fearing everyone to death about these vaccines.