I don't disagree with the potential for long term side effects. Heck, I am a firm believer that even hind sight isn't 20/20. What I believe, and am suggesting, is that, at this point, the overall effects of natural exposure are worse than any side effects of vaccination.
Timo, I disagree with you for several reasons. Some people can't, or have medical reasons not to get vaccinated. Additionally, immune compromised people tend to incur a lower level of immunity when vaccinated. Last, the elderly you speak of tend to be susceptible to breakthrough infections. So yeah, I do think we have some social responsibility to help protect those people. Then, there is the issue of variants. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to me that the lower the vaccination rate, the greater the chances are for variants to develop. And, maybe I am wrong again, but I don't see how more variants make us safer.