Kyle filipowski

My dad said the worst part of coaching is dealing with parents. I think NIL made it far worse.
And big brothers apparently.

I remember when I was coaching youth baseball. Rec league, nothing travel-ball level or anything like that. The league was redrafted every two years after try-outs. Those coaches who had some integrity would warn fellow coaches that a player he may have coached earlier "comes with a dad." That was rec-league baseball. None of these kids had a realistic baseball stage bigger than high school.

And for the record. moms could be just as bad as dads.

But this goes back a long way. If Art Heyman's step-father hadn't gotten into a furious argument with Frank McGuire, Duke basketball history might have been much different. Bill Foster used to get regular phone calls from Joe Gminski telling him how he was misusing his son.

I'm a parent and know that comes with lots of stuff. But this kind of estrangement just breaks my heart. I found Filipowski to be a bright, articulate, engaging interview. But sometimes he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, even in the context of a program that expects to win every time it takes the floor.

I guess we know why.
My first thought is…beaches….not surprised. Such scheming little creatures some are. My second ..Kyle’s an idiot . Because his OLDER family also are idiots. My 3rd is pretty obvious now. He will get married 😂
Let’s blame Duke becuase my son won’t talk to us and is marrying a 27 year old….They tripping😂 just like Kyle😉
And big brothers apparently.

I remember when I was coaching youth baseball. Rec league, nothing travel-ball level or anything like that. The league was redrafted every two years after try-outs. Those coaches who had some integrity would warn fellow coaches that a player he may have coached earlier "comes with a dad." That was rec-league baseball. None of these kids had a realistic baseball stage bigger than high school.

And for the record. moms could be just as bad as dads.

But this goes back a long way. If Art Heyman's step-father hadn't gotten into a furious argument with Frank McGuire, Duke basketball history might have been much different. Bill Foster used to get regular phone calls from Joe Gminski telling him how he was misusing his son.

I'm a parent and know that comes with lots of stuff. But this kind of estrangement just breaks my heart. I found Filipowski to be a bright, articulate, engaging interview. But sometimes he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, even in the context of a program that expects to win every time it takes the floor.

I guess we know why.
Jim well-stated. I coached hoops to 11-12 year olds many moons ago. I will never forget the nite a technical foul was called on our team. Not on me. A high strung dad in the bleachers of one of my players was whistled for it. Plenty of meddling parents too. Insisted on being at courtside during practing,and offering advice. I understood Norman Dale (Gene Hackman)in "Hoosiers." "Practice is closed to outsiders."

As for Flip,I hope everything works out. Its so ironic however he ended up in Utah. "Twilight Zone" stuff considering her devout Mormon faith and "grooming."

Utah is a beautiful state. But a strange state. Nearly half the population are Mormon, and the church wields a lot of power there. I am a big seperation of church and state guy, so I am not down with that.
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A number of years ago, I spent 2 weeks in Ogden Utah, visiting Salt Lake City while I was there. My impression was that the people were friendly and it was a beautiful and clean state (the part I saw). Sure you are aware that most people are religious and of course at the LDS center they try to convert you, but otherwise I had a good impression.
My dad had a friend from Queens who went there for work. Large Italian guy, very nice, Catholic. Did not have a good experience there and moved away. But thats just one story. Like My Cousin Vinny ha.
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I have family members that are Mormon and stay in Utah . The fact Flip has not addressed this says a lot to me that he simply wants his privacy .
All belong to the LDS and none have tried to convert me or bring up religion at family reunions, although that simply might be because of my beliefs ( I’m Catholic ) . I don’t get on them about their own .
I get annoyed with people who solicit door to door. My complex clearly has no solicitation signs posted but people do it anyway. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christians. I saw a guy taping a guys picture to my neighbor's door. I said to him "hey man please don't tape anything to my door." The guy said it's an offender in the area and I said "I don't care what it is. I told you to not tape that to my door." He handed the picture to me.
Back on topic I think Utah got a steal with Flip. I don't think he will be an all star but should have a solid career.
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I get annoyed with people who solicit door to door. My complex clearly has no solicitation signs posted but people do it anyway. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christians. I saw a guy taping a guys picture to my neighbor's door. I said to him "hey man please don't tape anything to my door." The guy said it's an offender in the area and I said "I don't care what it is. I told you to not tape that to my door." He handed the picture to me.
Back on topic I think Utah got a steal with Flip. I don't think he will be an all star but should have a solid career.
I agree with you on both fronts Chris . I do think with Utah being younger he has a better chance of seeing the court .
I was hearing about this all season. Flip would only attend team functions if girlfriends were allowed. He put up a wall between him, the girlfriend and the team/family. I could be wrong, but the first instance of this relationship on social media was a day or so after he declared for the draft in an engagement photo.
I was hearing about this all season. Flip would only attend team functions if girlfriends were allowed. He put up a wall between him, the girlfriend and the team/family. I could be wrong, but the first instance of this relationship on social media was a day or so after he declared for the draft in an engagement photo.
At times he seemed so detached,and seemed to let bad calls linger in his head.

It’s a lot on a teenager. Knowing your going to the draft , your the star player on a premier basketball team and are having family problems. Hopefully all will turn out well for him .

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