Draft night

Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.
Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.[/QUOTE

I think it's going fine for our guys. I think both so far will be better off with the teams that picked them. I never liked Jahlil going to L.A.L and if Justise didn't go before # 9 I'm glad he Hornets passed on him. With the direction the Hornets are going in Winslow wouldn't have had a good chance at being a regular next year. In Miami he'll get to learn behind Wade and be a factor in a short time. OFC
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It would have been a smart pick by the Hornets, but smart is just not in MJ's dictionary as far as being a GM is concerned

I don't think so. They just got rid of Gerald Henderson and need a shooting guard. Justice is a SF and they already have Kidd-Gilchrist. It's understandable why they passed on him. Stanley Johnson is a lot better than people think. He's a better shooter and ball handler than Justice.
Maybe he does, but at least they'll leave ringless
No doubt, Cal is a hot mess on the court. But as we go after OADs, the perception that you'll get drafted higher by going to UK than anywhere else is pretty close to reality. Booker going only 3 slots after Winslow? Wow.

I really hope Tyus doesn't drop out of the first round. Did the Rockets screw him over?
I don't think so. They just got rid of Gerald Henderson and need a shooting guard. Justice is a SF and they already have Kidd-Gilchrist. It's understandable why they passed on him. Stanley Johnson is a lot better than people think. He's a better shooter and ball handler than Justice.
Sorry, better shooter? His e-fg% was .5 vs. .55 for Justise, and 0.47 vs. 0.61 over the last 15 games of the season.
Yes. Stanley Johnson is a better shooter than Justice Winslow.
Stanley Johnson is a poor shooter. Probably the biggest weakness on his game. Not really sure if you're being serious or not about him being better than Winslow in the area
Stanley Johnson is a poor shooter. Probably the biggest weakness on his game. Not really sure if you're being serious or not about him being better than Winslow in the area
Just based on some stats I saw, Johnson's got Winslow beat in FT shooting...that's it
Hey, hey dukiejay. Got you a Dukie up there in Minn. Hope they have some good plans for him.. OFC
Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.

Nice try. Jah was the only Duke player projected to even be a one and done. Justise and Tyus worked their way into 1 and dones, and first round draft choices. They've over achieved.

Also, the Harrison twins say hi...too bad Cal turned a couple of lottery picks into...well...we don't know yet because their names haven't been called.

Oh yeah, tell Cal not to choke if he ever gets another chance to play K and Duke in the tourney...the last 2 times he's shat the bed.

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My favorite player in this draft, Justise Winslow to my Heat, this is a dream come true!!!! How the heck did that happen?!? I was hoping the Heat would win the lottery so they could take him 1, 2 or 3. But 10??? Dude is gonna dominate the league.
Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.

GREAT night for Duke. Cal does a great job too but painting this as "not a good night for Duke" is absurd. Anyway...

No one has produced more NBA Draft talent than Duke in the modern era

The current kings of college basketball are also the kings when it comes to churning out next-level talent.

Ever wondered which college basketball programs have been the most successful in terms of producing NBA Draft selections since the advent of the three-point line in 1986-87? Of course you have! It's natural. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

1. Duke - 83 (38)
2. North Carolina - 79 (34)
3. Kentucky - 76 (36)
4. Kansas - 73 (33)
5. Arizona - 66 (38)
6. UCLA - 61 (36)
7. Connecticut - 60 (28)
8. Syracuse - 48 (24)
9. Michigan - 46 (23)
10. Georgia Tech - 45 (22)
Philly sucks for Jah and so would the knicks, but when you go top 5, typically your going to an awful place.

Though Timberwolves have done themselves A LOT OF favors the past two years, including dumping that loser LOVE. LOLCAVS, FOREVER STUPID.

Tyus, Towns, Wiggins should be nice.
Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.

It's more about the types of players they recruits. UK tends to recruit guys who are big, long, and athletic, basketball skills are of less importance. They usually get guys who are physical prototypes of each NBA position (with exceptions like Ulis) A lot of the types of players UK recruits are the kinds of high upside players the NBA loves.

Contrast that with Duke that more often than not tends to get guys who are either a bit undersized or they have question marks regarding their speed/athleticism/conditioning but we tend to place a high importance on basketball skills and bball IQ, plus all the other character type of stuff. We tend to get guys who are built very well for the college game but not be viewed as "high potential" guys for the NBA.
Happy for our boys, hope Quinn finds him a good spot.

I would be SHOCKED if Miami could win a Championship. As DJ said, he is not even close to what he once was. Not close.
Why did the sixers draft 4 more big guys, then a shooting guard that can't shoot?

They're trying to out MJ...MJ. I hear Jordan is pissed too.

Oh, and Jah was the reason they used the 58th pick to grab Tokoto. He needs someone to carry his bags, wash his car, and keep his house clean since he knows all about brooms and the sweeping process.

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Lakers GM is a UNC alumni and didn't want to draft a duke player just like MJ who drafted kaminsky over Winslow (don't understand his obsession over tall unathletic white guys lol)...just shows UNC's hatred of Duke goes beyond college
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Lakers GM is a UNC alumni and didn't want to draft a duke player just like MJ who drafted kaminsky over Winslow (don't understand his obsession over tall unathletic white guys lol)...just shows UNC's hatred of Duke goes beyond college

The sad part about that is, I remember Kupchak talking about drafting Ryan Kelly, and jokingly talked about how it was hard to like a Duke guy. As a Laker fan I think he genuinely has a predetermined view of Duke players, and he might hold that against them in the draft process. While Ryan has stayed there and signed another contract since, I really hope he doesn't actually try not to draft Dukies. I was an upset fan last night, but I do like Russell. I just really, really, really wanted Jah.
Ugh, not a great night for Duke, all our guys going below projections. Great night for UK, all going at/above projection. Gotta give Cal credit, he gets his guys to the NBA better than anyone else.

This is a very bad post on so many levels.

First off, having three players drafted in the first 24 picks of the NBA Draft is a great night for our program on so many levels that I won't even bother trying to list them all.

Second, two of the picks were in the top 10. Yes, Jah didn't go one or two, and yes, Justise could have went as high as four, but he could have gone as low as 12. You're really looking to nitpick.

Third, projections don't determine these players worth. Hard work will do that. Teams look at relationships, how they perceive a certain player to fit, needs, etc.

Lastly, no one will not give Cal credit. You'd have to be blind not to. He has his system and other teams have theirs. Coming into this past season Duke had one player projected to be one-and-done. There ended up being three and two of those guys weren't on draft 'projections' eight months ago. I think that says Duke and K did a pretty nice job in getting guys to the NBA as well.
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So Minnesota works out a way to get Tyus, but doesn't take Jah? I can't believe the Wolves didn't try to pair these 2 together again. Seems like a lost opportunity to me.


I can't argue with you ODD. That's what I was hoping would happen, but about two weeks ago I kind of resigned myself to the fact that Jah wouldn't be drafted here. It's unfortunate. That said, I'm excited about Towns too. He may have more upside in the long run, but I don't think he's the sure-thing like I do with Jahlil. We'll see, I guess.

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