Coach K is the greatest!!!


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Feb 8, 2012
This side of the Neuse
I am telling this story for all the haters who think Coach K is responsible for Sheed and to shed some good light on Coach even though he doesn't need it. In 2004/05 a great friend of mine was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. After chemo and radiation he was released to return to normal duties as a firefighter. That is where he and I met. In 2013 he started getting sick, losing weight, and returned to Duke to the Tisch Brain Tumor Center because his tumor was back and he slowly started getting worse. While in hospice he received a call from Coach K and Coach just gave some positive words or encouragement to him and his family. This call was recorded and I have it on my phone. It has never been posted and probably never will be. There are a few of my friends who are on this board who can testify to this call also.

My respect for Coach K has always been high but for him to take time out of his day to call my friend made me realize that he is and always will be the greatest coach of all time.

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