

Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Mar 3, 2006
Which player would you like to be hitting cleanup in your lineup.

Player A. B.A. .340 H.R. ,30, R.B.I's 120, K's 25
Player B. B.A. .265, H.R., 52, R.B.I's 135, K's 135

I've got to go with the contact hitter with some power and low strike outs. OFC
Player A all day long......
Do those numbers belong to particular players??

Not reaIly seems to me that the hype is for the guy that hits a lot of home runs but they strike out a lot. I'm a Yankee fan and love Aaron Judge but he just doesn't make enough contact unless he hits it 450'. I hoping he cuts those K's down and hits around .320. Now that's production and there's been players that have put up numbers like that. Being a Yankee fan I compare Player A to Don Mattingly who probably did K more than 25 per year but not a lot but he hit a lot of H.R.'s , hit for average and drove in his share. OFC
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That's why I like Freddie Freeman. I know he bats third in the Braves line up but that is so he gets up there in the first. Can't wait to see Acuna batting behind him.
I think Judge might be able to get to the low .300s to .310, and less homeruns. He said his goal was to be more patient and see the ball better this year. He has lot of pressure on him after last year, not to mention being a yankee, and then the Stanton hype.

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