Duke recently offered Jared McCain and Sean Stewart
I’ll start with Stewart, think in lines of Javin Delaurier … good frame, length, athleticism with a good motor. Offensive skill set needs to grow and his identity be defined, but a definite spot on the floor for him
McCain is an aggressive combo guard. At about 6-1/6-2 he is more of a scorer, but he has good vision as well. While his game may be a little inefficient at the time, he is a winner and not afraid of the big stage
As of last week No. 10 Gregory Jackson had a visit set to Duke for Nov. 12-14 — Jackson did just cancel his visit to Georgetown for this weekend, and I have not followed up, but that’s the info …
I’ll start with Stewart, think in lines of Javin Delaurier … good frame, length, athleticism with a good motor. Offensive skill set needs to grow and his identity be defined, but a definite spot on the floor for him
McCain is an aggressive combo guard. At about 6-1/6-2 he is more of a scorer, but he has good vision as well. While his game may be a little inefficient at the time, he is a winner and not afraid of the big stage
As of last week No. 10 Gregory Jackson had a visit set to Duke for Nov. 12-14 — Jackson did just cancel his visit to Georgetown for this weekend, and I have not followed up, but that’s the info …