• Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    And I would claim it started with the spread of the Internet. There's a reason GW Bush was the most unpopular President ever, then Obama...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    And this is why people stopped taking all of the ‘isms and phobias seriously. They became useless words thrown around to spook people...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Because most of those privileges and prejudices don’t exist and conservatives are simply pointing out why. However, being a victim is a...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Anyone against trans in women’s sports is frequently called a transphobe. If you had the audacity to point out the violence attached to...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    It seems you were saying that I have no reference of being a liberal. I’m letting you know that I am all too familiar. I don’t think...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Re: the comment about cozying up to Wall St while at the same time supporting the Occupy mvmt, most would probably call it hypocrisy...
  • M
    Mac9192 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    The year 2015 is where the division started to grow. It's like liberals are stuck in 2015. They've taken their talking points from...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Being told that privilege and systemic prejudices exist is not an accusation, and acting like it is is equally playing the victim. Same...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Agree re: transwomen in women's sports, not on sanctuary cities. They are also in shambles because they cozy up to corporations and...
  • A
    AlanInNJ replied to the thread Mama Flagg.
    I cannot even imagine the microscope the parents of high profile college athletes are under these days, especially with social media...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    That right there, in the bold, is a perfect example of what I said. (Now, that's a line a lot of y'all use here all the time, claiming...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    We're all way dumber in our 20s. You think those people who remained liberals just stopped developing? Continued maturity and learning...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Roll the tape... REPORTER: Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Not to mention, most of their ideologies went from “We just want acceptance” to “You better accept this or you’re the worst person on...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Unfortunately and embarrassingly, I used to be a liberal in my 20s. I understand how it works.
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    The Dem Party is in shambles not because of internal dissent; it’s because they uniformly support positions that are wildly unpopular...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Uh-huh, and all liberals all agree always. Funny how everybody way, way over there looks the same, without any distinguishable facial...
  • Dahntay#1
    Dahntay#1 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    You’ve proven to be out of touch with reality. Sticking to your script is more important to you than critical thought. This isn’t the...
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    He wasn't talking about the protests or the protesters. He was talking about the debate. He fully condemned the protesters. It just...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    You wouldn't even be in the latter room to know. Nor I in the former. Whatever happens in the former room, they'd all be singing the...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Passive-agression is cute. Liberals feel very similar to this about conservatives. Don't act like it's just one way. Whatever the...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    The lie was that he said Nazis were very fine people. He indeed equivocated when he made the "both sides" statement, despite one side...
  • H
    hart2chesson replied to the thread Kevin keatts out at State.
    Ewwwwww bleed!!!! Dave Odor. OFC
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Put 5 republicans in a room and bring up politics. There will eventually be a heated argument. Put 5 democrats in a room and bring up...
  • H
    hart2chesson replied to the thread duke football news.
    Amen surf!
