• K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    I know dammit. I wish I could be as open minded and tolerant as you libs are of Trump.
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    He took showers with his pubescent daughter. What part of this did you miss?
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    They don't call him Pedo Joe for nothing, datt.
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Yet another post disguised as a retort when its primary goal is to show us all how you smart you are. Like most lost souls on the Left...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Now he's a pedophile, too. 🤣 How do y'all keep up with all the lies you make up about others?
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Whatever, freak. Joe has a creepy and unhealthy attraction to young kids. There's nothing cute about it. How many hills are you going to...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    You've never viewed anything he does in a vacuum. It is always filtered through bad faith.
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Dude, I can give you the freakin' etymology on "conjure": con, from Latin via French, means "with, same, together," just like in Spanish...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    In a vacuum yes, the behavior can seem healthy. But in the context of Biden’s volumes of creepy, what the actual f— behavior, it’s hard...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Ah the strawman is back. It’s been at least two days. You’re prob right that the Right didn’t create transgenderism. Gender dysphoria...
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Let go of your pearls, snowflake.
  • Dattier
    Dattier replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Thinking others are caricatures is the very definition of a strawman, the safe space for intellectual cowards. I haven't offered the...
  • C
    20 top journalists picked their final four. 9 had us in the final four, but none had us winning it all. Interesting.
  • pisgah101
    Thank you
  • J
    He was with Flip at the PF, not Cooper at the SF.
  • C
    Being a Yankee fan is like being a Duke fan. Lose and the whole world rubs it in
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    How the fvck any parent let's their kid near that creep, is beyond me.
  • T
    A lot to a little
  • C
    Our 7 transfers vs our squad...what is the score?
  • sheyduke
    Mitchell simply believed he was a sf
  • S
    smashmouth5 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Biden Bites Babies
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    Hate to break it to you sister, but you’ve got bigger problems than worrying about who your dad’s voting for
  • GhostOf301
    GhostOf301 replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    If this is real (probably is), this is just another example of the mental illness that liberalism creates. Bless her father.
  • L
    I really liked Mark Mitchell, but I have to admit, I'll take Cooper and Malik over him and that leaves him with maybe 15 minutes a game...
  • K
    KDSTONE replied to the thread The New Lounge.
    The Left is reactionary and contrarian at its core. If one us came on here touting Gender Queer as a ground breaking masterpiece, Datt...
