The New Lounge

I understand fully what transitioning means. It is, however, simply incorrect that kids under 18 are having surgery. I know that some puberty blockers are being used but again, wholly inaccurate that the kids are receiving anything else. Now if you are talking about female genital mutilation, yes that occurs in Africa and in some immigrant communities here and yes that is wrong. But I don't think that was what Ghost was talking about.
They are having surgery and the medical hoo doo drs are making a fortune. Their genitals are removed. In the less common female to male transition their breasts and clitoris are removed. This is common knowledge. You’re talking about the Islam tradition of removing the girl’s clitoris so she can’t experience pleasure during sex. This has been a hot button issue in Europe for decades, but is quite different than the butchery taking place in American hospitals right now
Does it need a day? Because all I see are the flags, road paintings, events, parades, even months etc. that are celebrating "trans"...I think we have tolerance. Second Baubles for Easter, what exactly are you referring to? Easter is a Christian holiday; there is no Easter without Christianity...and i do cede the point of Trans Day vs Easter...a coincidence of calendars...however, there is no need to remove the Christian element from the WH celebrations in deference to Trans Day...both can be celebrated as people see fit
All you see? It sounds like you should diversify your media consumption. If all you consume is right-wing media, they exploit LGBTQ+ stuff for outrage, to make you fear that they're taking over.

On the bold, and more importantly, there could be no Christianity without Easter.

It strikes me as ironic that one post after stating that things can be celebrated as people see fit that you post a list of all the capital D Days celebrated for LGBTQ+ related things. And how widely celebrated are those days? I mean, mayors across America declare capital D Days for every state champion high school sports team.

Here, this will surely make everyone happy:
@ LetsGoDuke.83, I see you're still using the most extreme language and alarming rumors to demonize the left while providing no proof whatsoever.
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I feel like this was intended to be in reference to me. What alarming rumors are you speaking of?
Oh, yeah. You.

I started to copy & paste EVERYTHING you posted on the last page, but then deleted it b/c what's the point? You're a bad faith actor here. You're clearly drunk off Mark Robinson suppositories at this point.
Oh, yeah. You.

I started to copy & paste EVERYTHING you posted on the last page, but then deleted it b/c what's the point? You're a bad faith actor here. You're clearly drunk off Mark Robinson suppositories at this point.
So you’re not going to say what you are calling alarming rumors? And unlike you, I don't form my opinions on politics. I use fact based common sense. What you support by being an "ally", is exploitation of people who have trauma and/or mental illnesses. You're doing them no favors by painting them as normal and even telling them they are courageous.
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So you’re not going to say what you are calling alarming rumors? And unlike you, I don't form my opinions on politics. I use fact based common sense. What you support by being an "ally", is exploitation of people who have trauma and/or mental illnesses. You're doing them no favors by painting them as normal and even telling them they are courageous.
Fine. One example: "...encouraging unhealthy and ungodly treatment for mental illnesses is not empathy."
You're not a doctor of any kind. You don't know a MLing thing about this but you parrot right-wing, unscientific, faith-based crap.
And it's not worth engaging with you on it. You're hopeless. The time has passed for trying to talk any sense into you. It's time to beat the ML out of you (figuratively speaking, like at the polls & crushing your influence throughout society). You're going to go down in history as an idiot.
Fine. One example: "...encouraging unhealthy and ungodly treatment for mental illnesses is not empathy."
You're not a doctor of any kind. You don't know a MLing thing about this but you parrot right-wing, unscientific, faith-based crap.
And it's not worth engaging with you on it. You're hopeless. The time has passed for trying to talk any sense into you. It's time to beat the ML out of you (figuratively speaking, like at the polls & crushing your influence throughout society). You're going to go down in history as an idiot.
It's pretty wild that people think the way that you do. And there are so many of you. But you have age, and with age is supposed to come wisdom. But not in your case. It isn't me who is parroting crap. Your claim that I can't understand that there are only two genders and that transgenderism is a mental illness because I am not a doctor is you parroting crap that progressive college kids like to say. And you're a middle aged man. But that's fine. Keep quoting my posts that never included you to tell me how not worth it it is for you to engage with me. A little unhinged here.
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It's pretty wild that people think the way that you do. And there are so many of you. But you have age, and with age is supposed to come wisdom. But not in your case. It isn't me who is parroting crap. Your claim that I can't understand that there are only two genders and that transgenderism is a mental illness because I am not a doctor is you parroting crap that progressive college kids like to say. And you're a middle aged man. But that's fine. Keep quoting my posts that never included you to tell me how not worth it it is for you to engage with me. A little unhinged here.

Dattier has actually got worse with age.. it’s like reverse ha
Fine. One example: "...encouraging unhealthy and ungodly treatment for mental illnesses is not empathy."
You're not a doctor of any kind. You don't know a MLing thing about this but you parrot right-wing, unscientific, faith-based crap.
And it's not worth engaging with you on it. You're hopeless. The time has passed for trying to talk any sense into you. It's time to beat the ML out of you (figuratively speaking, like at the polls & crushing your influence throughout society). You're going to go down in history as an idiot.
What does ML stand for? Martin Luther? I think you forget sometimes that most people don’t hang out in the dark corners of the web like you do. So this is the hill you’ve chosen to stand on? Transgenderism? That suggests to most people that you might in fact be the idiot Stop the name calling It makes you seem childish
Dattier has actually got worse with age.. it’s like reverse ha
You are correct. In the old days he would post a couple of dissertation level arguments as to why he was right and Ghost and Mac were idiots. Now he’s just like f it, I’m going sixth grade playground right off the bat. He could be taking the advice of his latest therapist I suppose, you know to “shake things up”
You are correct. In the old days he would post a couple of dissertation level arguments as to why he was right and Ghost and Mac were idiots. Now he’s just like f it, I’m going sixth grade playground right off the bat. He could be taking the advice of his latest therapist I suppose, you know to “shake things up”
Yep and he was a good basketball poster too and that’s actual praise coming from me but he’s let this stuff poison him
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You are correct. In the old days he would post a couple of dissertation level arguments as to why he was right and Ghost and Mac were idiots. Now he’s just like f it, I’m going sixth grade playground right off the bat. He could be taking the advice of his latest therapist I suppose, you know to “shake things up”
Uh, I wouldn't dare. I get banned for that language. That's why I ML it instead.

Therapy as a punchline? Cool, bruh.

What good do the dissertations do when I'm talking to anti-intellectual cowards still staring at their dinner plates refusing to eat their vegetables?
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Dat. You've lost your wit. You're not living rent free in anyone's head. The only time anyone even says anything about you is after you post some unhinged, loopy nonsense.
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"Loopy," says the guy who gets his opinions spoonfed to him from anti-science religious hypocrites, 🤣
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"Loopy," says the guy who gets his opinions spoonfed to him from anti-science religious hypocrites, 🤣
What religious hypocrites am I getting my opinions from? I am not even a religious person. You're just proving how loopy and unhinged you are. I don't need a religion to tell me that there are only two genders and that anyone who believes differently is in a world based on delusion and is likely suffering from a mental illness. Men can not menstruate, and women can not produce reproductive sperm. This, my friend, is not anti science. It is science. You think science and gender are fluid. That makes it really convenient when you can say how the science has changed.
Evangelicals drive the conservative talking points around gender identity. You're parroting them whether you hear it directly from them or not.

You do not listen to medical experts, instead defaulting to a caveman-like simplicity on gender.
Evangelicals drive the conservative talking points around gender identity. You're parroting them whether you hear it directly from them or not.

You do not listen to medical experts, instead defaulting to a caveman-like simplicity on gender.
Twenty years ago no one was talking about gender fluidity. Even ten years ago. Now all of a sudden if you question Leftist doctrine, you must either be an evangelical or Maga nut. We saw the same thing happen with gay marriage. Some heretofore fringe concept becomes shoved down society’s throats. Anyone who pushes back is Neanderthal. Social media has made the Left’s bullying much more potent than before. They’re all tough guys sitting behind a keyboard.
Some men may be more feminine than others like the Dattier / Alan Alda types, but they will never actually be women no matter how much they wish it were so. Some women are on the butch end of the spectrum, but they’re not actually men. Even children realize this and it’s not just “societal conditioning”, it’s common sense. Just the Dems trying to own another voting bloc so they had to create one out of thin air.
Evangelicals drive the conservative talking points around gender identity. You're parroting them whether you hear it directly from them or not.

You do not listen to medical experts, instead defaulting to a caveman-like simplicity on gender.
What about the growing number of medical experts in Europe ( Sweden and the Uk) who are banning puberty blockers and gender “reassignment” surgeries for minors? Are they evangelicals too? I was under the impression that Europe was very secular. Odd that so many doctors over there are evangelicals.
Twenty years ago no one was talking about gender fluidity. Even ten years ago. Now all of a sudden if you question Leftist doctrine, you must either be an evangelical or Maga nut. We saw the same thing happen with gay marriage. Some heretofore fringe concept becomes shoved down society’s throats. Anyone who pushes back is Neanderthal. Social media has made the Left’s bullying much more potent than before. They’re all tough guys sitting behind a keyboard.
Some men may be more feminine than others like the Dattier / Alan Alda types, but they will never actually be women no matter how much they wish it were so. Some women are on the butch end of the spectrum, but they’re not actually men. Even children realize this and it’s not just “societal conditioning”, it’s common sense. Just the Dems trying to own another voting bloc so they had to create one out of thin air.
Good points. It is funny how they accuse you of parroting talking points when you're just making common sense arguments. I don't need a religion or a political team to tell me what I know to be common sense. They are the ones who blindly adhere to whatever social issue their gods on the left cram down society's throat. If the progressives support it, it becomes gospel. But it is you and I that are the parrots of our political parties. You can't make it up. But as we know, whatever a looney lefty accuses you of, you know they are guilty of it.
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What about the growing number of medical experts in Europe ( Sweden and the Uk) who are banning puberty blockers and gender “reassignment” surgeries for minors? Are they evangelicals too? I was under the impression that Europe was very secular. Odd that so many doctors over there are evangelicals.
Today George Floyd celebrates 4 years of sobriety. May the 44 people who died in his memory and the $2 billion in damages never be forgotten.

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