What has High School Athletics turned into???


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Feb 8, 2012
This side of the Neuse
My daughter as a few know on here plays multiple sports. She started with rec and moved her way into making school teams, playing AAU, on a national travel team for volleyball and just made the varsity softball team. I’m sure like a few on here their kids first love is and was basketball. My daughter loves it. It was her first love. She fell hard and fast. When it came to other sports no matter if she started or played the entire game for another sport, she always came back to the hardwood. Like most hoopers she would bounce the ball around the house all day shooting against the wall or the hoop on her bedroom door. That stopped this year. To say I was devastated is an understatement. I was crushed. I was furious. I have been angry before but this was rage for me. Here is why….her coach.

Her coach is one of these coaches that punishes girls for losing. Locking locker rooms so the girls can’t get their book-bags. He punishes them for correcting him over small things like…the name he calls them. If their name is Allie and he calls them Ellie. He will bench them for entire games just because. The best one is telling girls that if they don’t pay for his private trainer he employees with his side AAU team or they don’t join his AAU team they won’t make the team next year. What have sports turned into??? Schools are more worried about that W than anything else and it’s disgusting.
Unfortunately your story is all too familiar. Same happened to my daughter at HS but in soccer. I blame the AD's in charge. Most have no code of conduct, mission statement or oversight and let poor coaches reign over their sport. Most kids who play HS sports want to represent their school, play with friends and maybe that order..but the ambitions of the coach seem to be at odds with those priorities. HS football is a bit different and maybe HS BB (although AAU trums that)..all other sports should be about the kids not the coaches. So many kids' last experience with organized team sports is spoilt by terrible HS coaches.
That's a real shame, but it sounds like it's similar all over the country. Most of my sons were not athletically gifted or driven in sports, so they played some rec basketball and soccer. I coached both sports (not well) and we had a blast. One of my sons was a gifted volleyball player and was on the AAU circuit for a couple years. It was not a good experience for us. Coaches that were WAY over the top. Opposing team's parents that were out of the freakin' minds. Unrealistic practice schedules. Long travel weekends. Etc. I am so glad my boys are older now. I wish anyone dealing with it strength and courage.
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My granddaughter played in a 7-9 league this year. On the day they were to have team pictures made, I was standing in hallway waiting on her team to get done with pictures. As I was standing there I over heard a coach tell their team this was their chance to run the score up on somebody. When we walked to the court, that was the team we were playing. We only had 5 players because a couple of the girls were sick. The other team was 10 strong. The game started and this coach rode the refs like it was game 7 of the NBA finals. The girls didn't seem to play with much joy. At the end of the day, our little group of 5 got the win and smiled the whole time doing it. When the joy is gone, a lot of times the drive is gone.
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Dang where do yall stay so I avoid there ?

My oldest son was the only of three kids to play sports and his coaches were all fire but knew how to get the most out of the players but never went over board . He played football and basketball.
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My granddaughter played in a 7-9 league this year. On the day they were to have team pictures made, I was standing in hallway waiting on her team to get done with pictures. As I was standing there I over heard a coach tell their team this was their chance to run the score up on somebody. When we walked to the court, that was the team we were playing. We only had 5 players because a couple of the girls were sick. The other team was 10 strong. The game started and this coach rode the refs like it was game 7 of the NBA finals. The girls didn't seem to play with much joy. At the end of the day, our little group of 5 got the win and smiled the whole time doing it. When the joy is gone, a lot of times the drive is gone.
Sounds very familiar! My son played and a coach got kicked out of the game because he went after a ref in a freaking rec game.
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Here in Stokes County in NC it's not like that. Our high schools are in the third round of the playoffs and 1 is ranked #1 in 1a. I have seen the type of coaches you are talking about but most are at charter schools.
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Played a lot of golf with Mr King. Were you before Kevin Strickland
Before my time, but I'm friends with his nephew! Kevin is a super-friendly dude! Ron's a good dude, too. I last saw him about a year ago, though, because I have traveled a ton for work. Used to see him all the time.
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Before my time, but I'm friends with his nephew! Kevin is a super-friendly dude! Ron's a good dude, too. I last saw him about a year ago, though, because I have traveled a ton for work. Used to see him all the time.
Ron is a Duke fan and Carolina was recruiting Kevin but chose Ranzino Smith instead. Kevin played at Duke during K's early years
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Yeah, one of the things I bonded with Ron over in high school was a mutual love of Duke and K. Unfortunately, I wasn't good enough to play for the man. I enjoyed our conversations that continued years after I graduated. And Kevin is so down-to-earth and personable. An underappreciated player who is an even better person with a terrific family.
Similar story. My daughter played on a high level AAU basketball team from the time she was 8 yrs. old. The coaching was good but if you had a bad game or missed a practice, even for a good reason, you could get benched for games at a time. The team was geared for the coach's daughter to get exposure to the exclusion of other talented girls.

Bottom line: almost every girl on the team burned out early and by high school were playing out the string. Of the group of about 12, only 2 played in college and that was because a scholarship was the only way they could stay in school.
I coach little league. We won our game on Saturday (18-16, comeback victory). In the handshake line, one of the other teams 8 year old players walked past all of us and said "F" You to all of us.
I was coaching my daughter for a rec game. One of the opposing players ran by me and yelled that to my face while the ref watched. All because I said to the ref that she shoving down low. I was "Woah! Seriously ref." He blew his whistle walked to me and said "You cant interact with the players. Let me do my job." That was my last year coaching. The league director said that some of these kids had a rough home life and they didnt want make things worse yet one of my players was benched a game for not having the right color of red under her jersey. You cant make this ish up.