Like most of us I've been banned from posting on thr. To be honest with all of you when it 1st happened I was a little pissed off but that lasted for a brief period like a hour or so. To me it's a honor to post here and i also post a little on the College Basketball board. That's a pretty good board and i post a little different over there. It seems it's a little more difficult to be banned there than thr. unc71 -00 gives me a hard time who I really believe knows me personally. but some of the other unc posters and I get along pretty well. unc doesn't get a lot of ups over there IMO. It's mostly because of the AFAM thing and getting away with it. I wish some of you guys would check it out although we have a good representation over there. Now back to thr. A long, long time ago my good friend Heyman25 who I miss his post all the time told me not to even lurk there and he was so right. Some of the things they would call Coach K really got to me. I definitely deserved to be banned even if it did come mostly from what I posted here. I know I got log off and see what they are posting but for me it's better I not know what they are posting about Coach K or even myself. It's not a good board even to lurk on and I've got to hand it their mods by banning most of us it sure cut down on our thr quote thread. Let me say this though. Most of us know that one of their mods, Mike Irby is pretty sick and I wish him the best in his fight with the most evil disease ever to exist and that's cancer. No one deserves to have cancer and that goes beyond college basketball message boards and rivalry's. I admit I do enjoy my posting life more since I was banned from thr. I still love poking fan at unc and everything that has anything to do with unc but it's really all about Duke athletics and getting to know all of you and even some of you personally. Show is everything you see on this board. No show (pun intended) about him. he's the real thing and if you need someone to stand beside you he's the man. I've become face book friends with many of you and I cherish that. I'm proud to post with my son DukeSky85 and I know I embarrass him from time to time but that's been going on all his life and I could not have hand picked a better son. I really miss some guys who have stopped posting ere for the most part like spike and Heyman25. Maybe they will start back. Enough of my dsouth type post but it's just something I needed to post. OFC
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