Twenty years ago, for those old enough to remember it, we will never forget where we were. The most horrific attack on American soil. People jumping out of windows hundreds of stories up to their deaths. You never forget how we felt the next day. I couldn’t tell you how I felt on 9/10.
Now 20 years later, we are more divided than I can ever remember. We can point the fingers in many directions, but the bottom line is we are fractured.
I’m as guilty as anyone for playing into the blame game. Us vs them! Except we forget we are all Americans. We are all in this together.
This is the greatest country on earth. Our freedoms are protected and preserved by those brave souls who have served us in that fight. The first responders that say who risked and lost their lives in trying to save their fellow Americans. They didn’t care whether they were white or black, Republican or Democrat, religious or atheist, Duke or UNC fans.
I urge us all to spend some time in remembrance of all those who have volunteered to serve this country because they are willing to give it all for us to live in the freest and greatest country this world has ever known. Thank those who served. Thank and remember those families who lost loved ones. Thank God for being able to live in a country where we have so many that are willing to put it all on the line for all of us.
Never forget.