RJ and Zion

It's probably just me but do any of you have a hard time remembering what our one and done's look like. I will always remember what Zion looks like with that great smile. Also I was within about 3 or 4 feet of him at the 2017 CTC when he looked at me , nodded his head, smiled at gave me his silent verbal that day but seeing guys like Ingram , Okafor and Barrett realized that I had forgotten what they looked out. Maybe it's because I'm just to danged old. LOL OFC
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Did you guys just see that shot of Zion on the bench? It was very brief but I read his body language and it said. " I ought to be at Duke right now." OFC

Zion is a bear.

And those two guys are BOYS. Look how happy Zion is.

Added bonus? NBA GM Trajan Langdon (who hasn’t aged a damn day!)

Someone else needs to find the clip of Zion playing three on three with Trajan and Jah.

I don't care who you are you gotta love Zion. What a special young man he is and it's not because he's a special basketball player. Oh how I would love to have seen him play more at Duke. Grateful for the time he gave us. Hoping he is healed because he may be the best thing to happen to the NBA in a long time. OFC