OT: Crazy dreams that you had.


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Mar 3, 2006
I don't know if it"s just me but I can have some crazy dreams. I've had repetative dreams, contineuos dreams and I mean by that like get to use the bathroom and the dream continues. Most of my dreams I forget but one of my crazy dreams was last night. I dreamed I was watching either a baseball or softball game. The batter hit a triple and he slid into 3rd on his left hip and slamed his right foot into the bag. He jumped up in pain holding his right ankle. Here's the crazy part. I woke up snd my left hip was hurting along with my right ankle. I had to go take some Aleve and it quit hurting with no more dreaming about the player. I know it's an odd thread but it's off season and you guys know me and threads in the off season. OFC
When I was a kid, 6 or 7, I would dream and sleepwalk. I don’t remember doing it. But when it first started, my parents told me they would find me walking down the street. They said they tied a rope with cow bells on it to the door to wake them.

Another weird one for me was my dad died of a heart attack when I was 13. He was only 35 or so. We watched it happen in our living room. I used to dream that some one would knock on the door late at night and I would look out the window on the door and it was him. I wanted to open the door really bad but at the same time I was afraid to because I knew it couldn’t really be him.
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There was a period of time where I had a lot of really bad dreams and I just didn't know why. Still don't. It wasn't a period of depression or anxiety or anything like that--at least I don't think do--but I still had them.

Still do on occasion but not with the frequency I did a few years ago.

Incidentally, pretty interesting article on the benefits of vivid dreams.
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My dad died in 1975 of heart failure. He was in the hospital when he passed early one morning. The night before he passed away I had a dream in which his doctor was trying to resitate him by CPR. The phone woke me up around 7:00 a.m. and it was my dad's doctor informing us that he had passed away earlier that morning. He told my mom that he had tried CPR to no avail. Forty five years ago and I still remember that dream. OFC
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