A train wreck of a "season", but interesting nonetheless. We may have seen one of the dumbest decisions ever by the Florida kid last night (let's call him Bruno Magli) when he tossed the LSU receiver's cleat 20 yards and the following personal foul allowed LSU the opportunity for the game-winning FG. Florida cornerback Marco Wilson finds himself rather unpopular this morning. His 15 minutes of fame is just beginning.
Alabama looks to be a notch above, but that's why they play the games.
Has Dabo gone a week this year without inserting his shoe in mouth?
What happened to the BIG 10? UGH.
Alabama looks to be a notch above, but that's why they play the games.
Has Dabo gone a week this year without inserting his shoe in mouth?
What happened to the BIG 10? UGH.