Happy Easter

Thank you, Pisgah! I was looking for something to read tonight and was ashamed that I had not read the Bible on the most important day of Christian Calendar. I was thinking of reading the last few chapters of my James Paterson novel, but instead read a Bible study of the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thanks again. Infinitely more important than who will play for Duke next year. Duke will be good no matter. I need to save my own soul. Bless you!
Thank you, Pisgah! I was looking for something to read tonight and was ashamed that I had not read the Bible on the most important day of Christian Calendar. I was thinking of reading the last few chapters of my James Paterson novel, but instead read a Bible study of the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Thanks again. Infinitely more important than who will play for Duke next year. Duke will be good no matter. I need to save my own soul. Bless you!
Absolutely and Good word ged and you’re welcome sending a prayer for you as well! I really appreciate you telling me this.. Reminded me of the verse “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” I could get on a sermon now haha! But eye on the real prize!

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