Forums question please help....


Devils Illustrated Hall of Famer
Oct 13, 2012
This page is my home base, and have a lot of friends-swell folks who happen to be Duke fans hang here, even during the off season. (And boy has this ever been an off season!!!!)....Btw, the football thread to go along with the hoops talk has also been great!

I do skip around to other forums only oçassionally to sèe whats going on with our Devils anywhere else. For the most part DI seems to be the best and most informative. Kudos to mods and all the contributors!!! Question: I am seeing a new forum plugged on this forum now, something with The Brotherhood I think? Is this an affiliate of DI in anyway with the same mods. Let me know, as I have seen it plugged several times. Thanks in advance guys!
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Everyone check it out. I've said before it may not be for everyone. There are guidlines set up that everyone may not agree with. All I can say is take a look and see if it's for you or not. OFC
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I've seen it several times too. Not sure what the deal is. I will probably give it a try for a while. Things stale here.
It is the off season and with sports shut down not a lot to discuss. With the high ratings from the Phil and Tiger match people must be ready for things to start back. I'm surprised somebody didn't get bit by some animal in the places Manning and Brady hit their ball.
It’s fine that there’s another basketball forum out there. It even has a catchy name. I’ll give credit to whoever came up with it. Whoever is one of the head honchos over there knows me, or has been informed of me, so I’m banned from that forum.
I like Rivals. I may not always see eye to eye with some here, heck I’ve argued with the mods here. I may not ever hang out with them, but the mods allow debate. This site would be stale if everyone thought the same, or all only agreed with everyone all the time. We have all kinds here, and overall, I think that makes for a more entertaining board.
The only issue I have with the couple guys that have been pumping up that new site is they’re coming to another site hyping it up. Yes, you can be members of multiple sites. No issue there. The problem to me is these same couple guys announced they were leaving this site for a while, only to make their grand re entrance to pump the new board up.

They remind me of the kids on the playground that didn’t like the way things were going, left and took their ball home, only to return later waving their new ball at the other kids.
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Affiliate? Same mods? Huh? It would be difficult to have the same mods as the ones who moderate here. I mean, being as, there are no mods at DBB. You need to have a talk with your informant Hart.
Affiliate? Same mods? Huh? It would be difficult to have the same mods as the ones who moderate here. I mean, being as, there are no mods at DBB. You need to have a talk with your informant Hart.

Oh so thats your baby Irma! Well cool beans!!! Informant, nah dont have one......Thats why I inquired. Sounds like I poked the bear.....OFC
It’s gonna totally freak you, mac , 44, dude and a few others out, but lots of people check out other boards and forums. Lots of posters here share time with DBB and here and enjoy it. It’s not against the law man.
It’s fine that there’s another basketball forum out there. It even has a catchy name. I’ll give credit to whoever came up with it. Whoever is one of the head honchos over there knows me, or has been informed of me, so I’m banned from that forum.
I like Rivals. I may not always see eye to eye with some here, heck I’ve argued with the mods here. I may not ever hang out with them, but the mods allow debate. This site would be stale if everyone thought the same, or all only agreed with everyone all the time. We have all kinds here, and overall, I think that makes for a more entertaining board.
The only issue I have with the couple guys that have been pumping up that new site is they’re coming to another site hyping it up. Yes, you can be members of multiple sites. No issue there. The problem to me is these same couple guys announced they were leaving this site for a while, only to make their grand re entrance to pump the new board up.

They remind me of the kids on the playground that didn’t like the way things were going, left and took their ball home, only to return later waving their new ball at the other kids.

Mac good post about DI. We have a good group here with variety of opinion, and mods do allow good debate. I have argued with 'em too but can tell they harbor no ill will, and stay positive. I do think if folks are coming over to pump up another board thats a little tacky..You say you are banned??

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Mac good post about DI. We have a good group here with variety of opinion, and mods do allow good debate. I have argued with 'em too but can tell they harbor no ill will, and stay positive. I do think if folks are coming over to pump up another board thats a little tacky..You say you are banned??


lol , y’all so funny. Ohhh, you allow debate over here? That’s nice. I hope they get that at DBB one day.
Banned? I haven’t heard a word over there anyone was banned. Y’all are funny.
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It’s gonna totally freak you, mac , 44, dude and a few others out, but lots of people check out other boards and forums. Lots of posters here share time with DBB and here and enjoy it. It’s not against the law man.
Woah big fella. You may wanna go back and read my post. I said there was nothing wrong with viewing multiple sites. You got yourself all worked up a while back on the original perspective thread, but, you weren’t the only one. You and a couple other long time posters announced you were leaving this site for a while. Your first post back, if I’m not mistaken, was to promote another board.
Surely a man of your intelligence can see how that looks to others. Then after your thread got deleted, where you also invited a few over to that site, you back tracked, complimenting this site.
Just my opinion though.
Banned? I haven’t heard a word over there anyone was banned. Y’all are funny.
I’m terrible at posting something to this site from my phone, but I Promise you I am banned. Just for giggles earlier, when you posted the link, yet again, I typed it in, and a message popped up that said I have been banned from that forum.
Trust me, I ain’t lying.
I think DI and DBB can live in harmony, don’t get your coattails up. As Skysdad said, roll by and say hi, you may find some things ya like. Variety is the spice of life.
And I believe you. If you’re banned, I’ll ask if it can be undone.
There are several Duke forums out there, Duke basketball report, the devils den, dukebluebrotherhood, DI, etc. Nothing wrong with being interested in different sites. Sometimes I like espn, sometimes fox sports, once in a while CBS sports.
Let’s stop the bullshit, guys. It’s old. There are many Duke boards for fans to post is better than another by opinion only. Some might like one, others another. Some may even like all of them. Really good posters exist everywhere, so turn it off.

This is a Rivals site. If people don’t like this board or posting here (or another board, for that matter), then why continue? Act like adults and move on.